So you think you know Annabeth Chase?

All the quizzes on here for Annabeth fangirls are WAY too easy. Even if you're a total PJO nerd like me, this quiz will test your thinking power. Enjoy!

I hope you like this quiz. Please don't cheat by looking things up online or in the books. Also, please don't be offended by the term "fangirl" as it means anyone of any gender who is acting like a stereotypical girl with her celebrity crush.

Created by: Midnight Rain
  1. What are on the first three beads on Annabeth's camp half blood necklace?
  2. What did Fredrick get Annabeth for her 14th birthday?
  3. Who was suspected to have a crush on Annabeth but later it was revealed to be someone else?
  4. At what age did Annabeth develop her crush on Percy?
  5. True or false: Athena is a maiden goddess.
  6. True or false: Annabeth first kissed Percy in the Titan's Curse.
  7. The pegesi Annabeth usually rode was called...
  8. What does Annabeth after she kissed Percy at camp jupiter after he disapeered for months?
  9. What does Annabeth do when she's nervous?
  10. What song did Percy and Annabeth dance to at the end of the Titan's Curse?
  11. What does Annabeth describe Percy's lips tasting like?
  12. What is the first sentence Annabeth says to Percy?
  13. What colour was the ski cap Annabeth was wearing at the start of the Titan's Curse?
  14. What are Annabeth's half brothers called? (on her dad's side)
  15. Who takes the place of Annabeth's father for her first 5 years at camp?
  16. Who acts as Annabeth in the series on Disney+?
  17. What colour did Alexandra Daddario dye her hair for the second film of Percy Jackson?
  18. What is the first word ever spoken by Annabeth in the Ligtning Theif?
  19. What was Annabeth wearing in the photo Percy has of her in the Sea of Monsters?
  20. What does Percy describe Annabeth's grey eyes as?
  21. Which Disney character does Percy describe Annabeth looking like?
  22. Fill in the blank: She was about my age, maybe a few inches taller, and a whole lot more *** looking.
  23. When Annabeth's blood was used to wake gaia, where was the wound it came from?

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