Adventure in Camp Half-Blood!

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Hi, my name is GetHelp and this is the fourth quiz I've made. if you haven't taken Your Asgardian Mentor and Adventure in Asgard, please take them and then come back.

Yes Leo Valdez is in this quiz and so is Jason, Piper, Percy, Annabeth, Will, and Nico. Also Cosmo is in this quiz too. You can't take this quiz without your best friend, Cosmo!

Created by: GetHelp
  1. You and your friend, Cosmo, walk into camp half-blood.
  2. You go to the Hermes cabin and find out where you'll be sleeping.
  3. You go to the archery range. there you find Will Solace!
  4. You go to the forge. You find Leo Vadez!
  5. You go to the lake. Annabeth is there. You:
  6. You head to the lunch. Your thinking about:
  7. during lunch you sit next to:
  8. You go to the lake again. Percy's there.
  9. You want to explore the forest. You ask Piper to come with you because you cant go alone. How do you ask her?
  10. You find Jason at the climbing wall.
  11. You see Nico, Will, and Percy talking and laughing. you join their conversation. You sit next to:
  12. You hear someone screaming! Its coming from the forest! You run in and find Cosmo and Jason getting Attacked by some monster!
  13. You fight the monster and drive it out. someone in the camp summoned it... but who?

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