Adventure in Asgard!

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Hi, this is the third quiz I have made! If you haven't taken my previous quiz, please take it and then come back. Y/N means your name, and Y/M means your mentor. I didn't mention this in my last quiz but Cosmo's mentor is Skurge.

Also, Leo Valdez is in this quiz! Finally! You're welcome. I told you that he would be in one of my quizzes! Anyway I hope you enjoy this quiz and enjoy doing "Get Help."

Created by: GetHelp
  1. You wake up one night to hear Cosmo whisper-yelling your name. "Y/N! I overheard Odin and Y/M talking about how we are threatened by the Frost Giants! It's up to US to save Asgard!"
  2. You head to the Bifrost. Heimdall is waiting. "No." He doesn't let you pass.
  3. He decides that you can go. Next stop: Jotunheim! you arrive in Jotunheim but there are no signs of frost giants. You:
  4. You find the frost giants. They are waiting for you. It's almost as if they knew you were coming... Anyway they haven't noticed you. You need a plan of attack.
  5. You do "Get Help." You have to play the injured person.
  6. "GET HELP! Please! My friend! They're DYING! GET HELP!"
  7. Okay so now you're fighting the frost giants. What do you do?
  8. Cosmo is surrounded by frost giants! What do you do?
  9. You help Cosmo and you defeat most of the frost giants. They are all to scared to threaten Asgard again.
  10. You need to get home now! Heimdall! open up the Bifrost!" Bright colors surround you. To Asgard!

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