Your Asgardian Mentor (RP quiz)

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Hi! This is the second quiz I Have made! I decided to make a role play quiz because I love them. Do you like Marvel? I like Marvel. And I hope you like Marvel.

I should also tell you that Leo Valdez is not in this quiz either. I'm sorry! I'll make one with him in it soon, okay? Fine I'll try to put him in this quiz.

Created by: GetHelp
  1. Odin announces that you and your best friend, Cosmo, get to be mentored by an Asgardian! Odin says that you should explore the palace a little bit. as you walk you are thinking:
  2. You go to see the Pegasi first. You run into Valkyrie. She's taking care of her Pegasus. You:
  3. You go to the Bifrost next. Heimdall is standing in his usual spot. He asks you if you would like to go somewhere for a little bit. It is you exploring day after all. you want to go to:
  4. After exploring, you meet up with Cosmo. "I've spent the WHOLE day with Skurge! I bet he will be my mentor!"
  5. Later you go to the treasure room. There you find Loki. He hasn't noticed you yet. You:
  6. You go to the dining hall and find Thor.
  7. You meet with Cosmo again. She tells you about how she explored Nidevalir. She even got to make a weapon!
  8. You walk to the dining hall for dinner. as you walk you think:
  9. You make it to the dining hall. Cosmo is sitting with Skurge. You decide to sit next to:
  10. Odin is about to announce who your mentor is going to be. You hope that it will be:

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Quiz topic: My Asgardian Mentor (RP quiz)
