Are you a dreamer?

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"How far do you push the boundaries of your imagination? Are you passionate about escaping reality or getting lost in a fantasy world? This quiz will help you find out if you are a dreamer and will help you

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Created by: ash
  1. İnsanlarla konuşurken düşüncelere dalarım.
  2. It doesn't matter where I am when I'm immersed in my own dream world.
  3. I like writing, painting, and music. I gravitate towards art.
  4. I am easily influenced. People's words are important to me.
  5. I wonder about the secrets of the universe. The sky interests me.
  6. I connect with the music I listen to.
  7. I create different scenarios before falling asleep.
  8. I replay in my mind over and over again the things I want to happen.
  9. I attribute special meanings to events, people and small details in life.
  10. I attribute meaning to the dreams I see. I wonder about the message they convey.
  11. I like creating/writing different worlds and different characters.
  12. I have strong intuition. I am good at sensing people's emotions and intentions.
  13. I can immediately notice a change in someone's energy.
  14. A sentence, an image, a smell or a melody takes me to completely different thoughts.
  15. Ideas come to my mind at unexpected times during the day.
  16. I like to follow inspiration. Sometimes I leave everything aside and start writing/drawing/making my dreams come true.
  17. I derive big meanings from small details.
  18. I relive the memories I had in the past. I feel like I'm living it again.

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Quiz topic: Am I a dreamer?
