Sonic Tails Lf's Profile

Sonic Tails Lf
Joined on Feb 16, 2021
Status Level: Hot Shot
Sonic Tails Lf's Quizzes
- Playing Fall Guys (W/Sister Sonic Tails Shadow)[published: Jun 10, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: I hope you enjoy! Sorry about taking a while with quizzes! It's just cause……
- Miraculous Be Like...[published: Jun 02, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: Anyone seen Miraculous? Welp, even if not, you can still take this quiz for fun. WARNING: THIS QUIZ……
- Who Likes You Better, Sonic or Tails? (W/RP) (PART 2)[published: May 31, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: I hope you enjoy! Tbh, I love this and hope that you do too! Let me……
- Who Likes You Better, Sonic or Tails (W/RP) (PART 1)[published: May 31, 2021, 5 comments]
Me/K: I hope your having a good day, today, we will see who likes you……
- Video Games Be Like...[published: May 29, 2021]
Me/K: This is a "Video Games Be Like" but it mainly has Sonic, but I tried to add others, but the main……
- Sonic the Hedgehog Be Like...[published: May 28, 2021]
Me/K: This is a Sonic the Hedgehog Be Like quiz, I went off of the things I've seen irl or just……
- Are You More Like Blaze the Cat or Amy Rose? (Sonic)[published: May 28, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: Today, we will see, are you more like Amy Rose or Blaze the Cat? Man,……
- Who Are You, Benson, Mordecai, OR Rigby? (Regular Show)[published: May 28, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz about the show, Regular Show, today, we will see if……
- Are You More Like Sonic the Hedgehog OR Tails the Fox???[published: May 27, 2021, 8 comments]
Me/K: Today, we will see if your more like Tails the Fox or Sonic the……
- Guess the TV Show By the Theme Song!!![published: May 27, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: Today, I have gathered songs from my favorite TV shows, mainly the themes and added……
- Give My Favorite Cartoon Characters Nicknames!!![published: May 27, 2021, 1 comment]
Me/K: I hope you enjoy this quiz! For this quiz, I put in all my fave cartoon……
- Shout Out Quiz! AYE! AYE! AYE! AYE![published: May 26, 2021, 8 comments]
Me/K: Ik, ANOTHER Shout Out Quiz, trust me, I have a reason for this which is explained in……
- Vaccines (And Doctors) Be Like...[published: May 24, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: I HOPE YOU ENJOY!!! I guess I'm proud of this! Also, this idea for the quiz was from……
- What does my Kitty think of U?[published: May 21, 2021, 8 comments]
Me/K: Hello, everyone, I have another quiz to see what my kitten, Whisper, thinks of you. Yeah, I……
- My Fave TV Show Quotes!!! :D[published: May 21, 2021, 1 comment]
Me/K: I am still awake and rn, it's NIGHTIME so you are most likely asleep. Wanna know how GTQ is……
- Random Quiz!!! :b[published: May 20, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: I made this quiz cause I was bored so enjoy! Also, I mainly just made it into a "Shows Be Like" but I……
- Shoe Stores Be Like...[published: May 20, 2021, 1 comment]
Me/K: I'm legit finishing this up at 12 at night, XD. Anyway, sorry this quiz took so long, I just had a……
- Do We Watch the Same Animes?[published: May 19, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: I'm laughing from the quiz pic, XD! I frickin' LOVE Yato with his cat face, he's an angel……
- I did one of the dares on my poll...and this happened...[published: May 17, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: Doesn't Haru Kato look good in a suit? Anyway, I did one of the……
- I Got An Update!!![published: May 16, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: I've got an update that I'm happy about and I hope you are too! I am trying to work things out with……
- This May Be My Last Quiz! :'([published: May 13, 2021, 13 comments]
Me/K: Yeah, so um, the quiz will explain and I don't wanna leave, but I have too, sorry. I won't……
- Driving With Parents Be Like...[published: May 12, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: I made another quiz, Driving With Parents Be Like..., featuring, ya guessed it! A KAREN! I……
- ShoutOuts Meh Bruddahs, Come on, Buds![published: May 12, 2021, 11 comments]
Me/K: This is a Shout Out quiz to meh bruddahs! Who knows, you may be in it! Everyone in……
- Which of the Youtuber's I watch would YOU enjoy?![published: May 11, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: Today, we will see who out of the Youtubers I watch, YOU will love! I……
- Guess the Singer from their Song Lyrics!!![published: May 10, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: In this quiz, I will give you lyrics from songs and you will have to guess who……
- Playing REAL LIFE Among Us (W/Sonic Gang)[published: May 10, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: Hello, everyone, I made another Among Us quiz, this isn't really a "BE LIKE"……
- Minecraft Be Like...[published: May 08, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: This is another "BE LIKE" quiz! Hope you enjoy and make sure to let me know if you want me to make……
- Thank You!!! :D[published: May 07, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: Hope you enjoy this! I just wanna say thank you to everyone for helping me get to Advanced, hopefully my……
- Would I Date You? (Boys Only)[published: May 07, 2021, 9 comments]
Me/K: I'm bored....anyway, I made another quiz (Out of boredom) so hope you enjoy! I am tired, I……
- LEVEL UP QUIZ!!! (W/Sonic, Tails, Silver, and Shadow)[published: May 06, 2021, 11 comments]
Me/K: This is my LEVEL UP quiz, hope you like it, hope it makes you laugh!……
- Which of MY Animals Would Be Your Perfect Pet?[published: May 06, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: You like animals? Well, today, we will see which of my animals would be……
- Some Boredom Breakers!!![published: May 06, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: You bored? Me too, welp, here are some things to CURE your boredom, at least I hope it does!……
- Do We Watch Most of The Same YouTubers?[published: May 06, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: Today, we will see how many Youtubers we both watch who are the same. Also, make……
- Would You Be a Good Hamster Owner?[published: May 05, 2021, 5 comments]
Me/K: Hello, everyone! Here is a quiz to see how much ya know about hamsters and if you would……
- Horror Lives 2 is AWESOME!!![published: May 05, 2021, 5 comments]
Me/K: This is a shoutout quiz for Hannah (Horror Lives 2) to thank her for being so kind for me and……
- Learning with Kaylah (Ya better learn somethin' XD)[published: May 04, 2021, 15 comments]
Me/K: Hey, everyone, I may end up staying on GTQ cause I would miss you guys……
- Idk What To Call This[published: May 04, 2021, 12 comments]
Me/K: This was a quiz to sort of keep you updated on me and stuff, just to talk and let you guys know some……
- Do We Like The Same Movies?[published: May 02, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz I made to see if we like most of the same movies. I got movies I liked and put……
- I Have A Confession...[published: May 02, 2021, 7 comments]
- Do We Watch Most of the Same Shows?[published: Apr 30, 2021, 1 comment]
Me/K: Today, we will see how many shows you and I watch that are the same. I recommend ALL……
- Do We Listen To The Same Music?[published: Apr 30, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: In this quiz, we will see if we have the same taste in music. I picked random singers I……
- Zoom Classes Be Like...[published: Apr 29, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: I hope you enjoy this quiz, this is Zoom Classes Be Like, hope ya like it, if not, sorry. It took……
- BORK! I DOGGO! BORK MEH BRUDDAHS![published: Apr 27, 2021, 3 comments]
- Which of MY Original Songs Are U?[published: Apr 27, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: I LOVE TO WRITE MUSIC! But which one of them are you? Take this quiz to find out! These……
- Knock Off-Um...Knock Off Store (Feat. Muff the Muffin)[published: Apr 27, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: This is my quiz with Muff the Muffin and all this Knock Off-I mean,……
- Among Us Be Like (Feat. Karen)[published: Apr 26, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: This is an Among Us Be Like with a Karen. She EXTRA cheddar cheese, put it on dat pizza,……
- My Polls Meh Bruddahs!!![published: Apr 25, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: This is my poll quiz. Also, FULL credit to derecho and these are just my polls, but he started……
- Chick Fil A Be Like...[published: Apr 24, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: Here is another "BE LIKE" quiz with Chick Fil A, I hope you enjoy, it may not be as good cause I'm……
- Truth OR Dare (...Again...)[published: Apr 24, 2021, 5 comments]
Me/K: This is ANOTHER Truth or Dare, am I addicted to these quizzes? Maybe. Am I from My Little……
- Kaylah Talk (Where We Talk About Talk)[published: Apr 23, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: OMG, I LOVE SILVER SO MUCH! THAT PIC! Ok, I'm sorry, he's just an angel. Anyway,……
- School Nurse Be Like...[published: Apr 22, 2021, 5 comments]
Me/K: Here is ANOTHER "BE LIKE" quiz, I love these! Their like memes but in a quiz, I hope you like it……
- This is My 101 Quiz!!! :D[published: Apr 22, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: I MADE 101 QUIZZES! YES! (This is my 101 quiz BTW, XD) Thank you everyone for taking my quizzes……
- Who Said It (Sonic the Hedgehog Version)[published: Apr 22, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: This is a NEW quiz, it's a Who Said It quiz but Sonic version. Should I say it's……
- Apple Be Like...[published: Apr 21, 2021, 10 comments]
Me/K: This is another sort of "BE LIKE" quiz, my Starbucks one was a "BE LIKE" quiz too, I just changed the……
- How Well Do You Know Silver the Hedgehog?[published: Apr 21, 2021, 5 comments]
"Silver: IT'S NO USE!" Me/K: Quoted, UwU! Anyway, there IS a use for making this quiz!……
- Shout Out Quiz (Again Meh Bruddahs, COME, COME!)[published: Apr 21, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: This is my Shout Out quiz to my friends on here! I love you all and stay……
- Give ME a Truth OR Dare OR Both[published: Apr 20, 2021, 13 comments]
Me/K: Ya know how I give YOU Truth or Dares, now, you can give ME a Truth or Dare or BOTH! It……
- My Crush...Maybe...[published: Apr 20, 2021, 12 comments]
Me/K: This quiz has my "Crush," not really, this was a dare but I just added, like random other stuff to it……
- Hello, Caller, this is Kaylah Support![published: Apr 20, 2021, 12 comments]
Me/K: This my another quiz I came up with! Kaylah Support where I call and help people……
- Truth OR Dare (Yet Again, XD)[published: Apr 19, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: AWW, I LOVE THAT PIC OF TODOROKI! OH WAIT-Sorry, I was just-ANYWAY, this is another quiz I……
- This has no title....I AM TIDDLES THE TORTOISE!!![published: Apr 19, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: This is a chill quiz cause I'm totally tired and EVERYTHING is going……
- How Well Do U Know Scourge the Hedgehog? :b[published: Apr 19, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz about a LESS known Hedgehog named Scourge from the OLD Sonic……
- I let my sister make a quiz...[published: Apr 18, 2021, 8 comments]
Leah: Hi, I'm Kaylah's sister. She let me make a quiz so I am making one for her, this is it.……
- Dis Me Starbucks....[published: Apr 18, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: This is a funny Starbucks quiz I made and I want to say sorry for not really making quizzes, I'm off……
- RANDOM QUIZ! (HAHAHAHAHA *Laughing for NO frickin' Reason*)[published: Apr 16, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: I'm bored = Quiz, what else I gotta say. This is just some……
- MAMORU Dragon (Story Part 7)[published: Apr 16, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: This is the next part! Take my OLD quizzes of this to understand! I think this one is pretty……
- How Much Do U Have In Common With Tails the Fox? (BEST FOX)[published: Apr 15, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: In this quiz, we will see how much you and the CUTEST fox……
- MAMORU Dragon (Story Part 6)[published: Apr 15, 2021]
Me/K: This is the NEXT part! Take my old quizzes of this to understand the story. I know this is……
- Which Chaotix Member Are You? (Original Sonic Team)[published: Apr 15, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz for my FAVORITE team! CHAOTIX! The team members are……
- Truth or Dare! (WOW! WOOSH! I'M BORED!)[published: Apr 15, 2021, 10 comments]
Me/K: AWW, THE PIC FOR THE QUIZ IS SO CUTE! *Clears throat* Anyway, other than Bakugo,……
- MAMORU Dragon (Story Part 5)[published: Apr 14, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: This is the next part! Take the past quizzes of this story to understand! I like this part of……
- MAMORU Dragon (Story Part 4)[published: Apr 14, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: Do Part 1, 2, and 3 to find out what happened so far. I hope you enjoy, I had fun making this……
- HAPPY SUPPORT QUIZ!!! (SMILE AND LAUGH DAILY! :D)[published: Apr 14, 2021, 9 comments]
Me/K: I know people these days have been sad and depressed, feel lonely and……
- MAMORU Dragon (Story Part 3)[published: Apr 13, 2021, 5 comments]
Me/K: Make sure to read my two first quiz parts! This one is a bit short, but I promise that there……
- MAMORU Dragon (Story Part 2)[published: Apr 13, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: This is Part 2 of my story! Read Part 1 to understand but anyway, you can read the story, I'm……
- LEVEL UP QUIZ!!![published: Apr 13, 2021, 8 comments]
Me/K: I'm leveling up so here is a quiz for it. PLEASE help me out, but I will make more quizzes so just go……
- Taco Assembly (Taco Bruddahs, Come)[published: Apr 12, 2021, 9 comments]
Me/K: This quiz was requested by Derecho! I tried to make it good. Today we will learn how……
- Cats17 is Claw-some! :D[published: Apr 12, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: Cats dared me to do this, but Cats is still awesome anyway. I found different ways to say awesome,……
- Oh came to an Emoji, XD[published: Apr 12, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: ItsBrycen dared me to do this, XD! Now, I need to make a quiz on the emoji with……
- MAMORU Dragon (Story Part 1)[published: Apr 12, 2021, 4 comments]
MUST READ: Me/K: Ok, your a kid who is an introvert and is sad most of the time, but when happy,……
- Truth or Truth :)[published: Apr 11, 2021, 11 comments]
Me/K: I thought that I should make this easy for the people who aren't into the whole dare thing so I made a……
- Who are U more like, Bob the Wall or Larry the Chair, XD?[published: Apr 11, 2021, 8 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz about the AMAZING Larry and Bob! I tried my best……
- Truth or Dare (For Bored Bruddahs)[published: Apr 10, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: THIS IS TRUTH OR DARE!!! There are 2 truths and 2 dares so choose wisely and let me……
- Which Of My Current Pets Are U?[published: Apr 10, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: Ok, today, we will see which of my CURRENT pets you are. This one doesn't have all the……
- I'm leavin'....(I'm clocking out...)[published: Apr 10, 2021, 8 comments]
Me/K: I made this quiz to let you know....I'm leaving, I'm sorry, I have to, the quiz will……
- Me and My Sis Chat (I'm bored, XD)[published: Apr 09, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: This is just a quiz where me and my sister talk. You can even get to know her better.……
- How much do U know about Sonic the Hedgehog?[published: Apr 09, 2021, 5 comments]
Me/K: HEYO! Today, I have gathered up some questions about the Sonic characters and……
- How Much Do U Know About Sonic Boom (Show)?[published: Apr 08, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: I hope you enjoy this! This is based off a show called Sonic Boom, I may make……
- Do U know the Music Artists who made the songs 4 my Edits?[published: Apr 08, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: I'm into editing, I mainly edit Sonic, Miraculous, and……
- Are U more like ME or ACCALIA? (With Accalia 123) :D[published: Apr 07, 2021, 10 comments]
Me/K: In this quiz, you will see if your more like me or my friend,……
- My Actual Name (And Shout Outs)[published: Apr 07, 2021, 9 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz for you to know my name! It's also a shout out quiz for you all! I hope you……
- I LOVE HOPE FOR PAWS!!! :b[published: Apr 06, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz for my FAVE rescue, Hope For Paws, I want to join them someday! They are AMAZING……
- Truth or Dare (I'm bored XD)[published: Apr 06, 2021, 13 comments]
Me/K: I got bored so I made a truth or dare quiz. My last one was ONLY dares so now, I added……
- Are you more like Ladybug or Chat Noir? (Miraculous)[published: Apr 06, 2021, 15 comments]
Me/K: This is a NEW quiz for one of my FAVE ships, LadyNoir, I also like……
- Which K-ON!! character are U? (Out of of Light Music Club)[published: Apr 05, 2021, 14 comments]
Me/K: HEYO!!! I'm back with another quiz! In this quiz, we will see……
- How well do U know ME? :b[published: Apr 05, 2021, 17 comments]
Me/K: Ok, so, this is a quiz to see if you know a lot about me. This can be for the people who REALLY……
- PRANKS AND FUNNY THINGS I'VE DONE (UH-YEET!)[published: Apr 03, 2021, 11 comments]
Me/K: This isn't really a quiz, it's just a quiz telling all the pranks and funny……
- Opposites (Story) (INTRODUCTION) PART 1[published: Apr 03, 2021, 1 comment]
Me/K: This is another story that I'm going to put on here. I would add it to……
- DIPPING, YEETING, AND FLIPPING ACADEMY!!! XD[published: Apr 02, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: I got bored so I made this short, stupid quiz! Hope you enjoy it anyway, I am……
- Which Pizza are U? (Out of these 4)[published: Apr 02, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: This quiz was requested by Tremendus! I tried my best to make this quiz accurate and……
- Accalia 123 is da BEST!!! :D[published: Apr 02, 2021, 11 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz I made for my best friend, Accalia! I call her by her nickname doe, Cal! She……
- Rainy Day (Story) (WARNING: IS SAD, BUT REALLY GOOD)[published: Apr 01, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: I made this story, it's a sad, survival story I made! I hope you……
- EVIL DUCKS!!! (Me: This quiz may make you laugh!)[published: Apr 01, 2021, 8 comments]
Me/K: This quiz may be my LONGEST and FUNNIEST quiz EVER! XD This quiz was……
- DOGS ARE AWESOME!!! (BETTER THAN CATS, SORRY TO THE CATS XD)[published: Mar 31, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: This isn't really a quiz, this was requested by Dogs71,……
- Me answering questions (Stupid funny quiz XD)[published: Mar 30, 2021, 1 comment]
Me/K: This ISN'T a real quiz, it's a quiz where I talk about memes and stuff about……
- Would U date Me? (4 GUYS)[published: Mar 30, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: I was bored so.........anyway, I had to make some quiz so I'm going to make one where you can……
- MY FAVE CARTOON CHARACTERS!!! :b[published: Mar 29, 2021, 1 comment]
Me/K: I'm bored and don't really have any quiz ideas so I ended up making this! This isn't……
- This is for my BEST bud!!! :D[published: Mar 29, 2021, 1 comment]
Me/K: This is a quiz I made for my BEST BUD, it's like the Tails one, but it has someone else I……
- Life as a PRINCE for a day! PART 2 (With Story :0)[published: Mar 27, 2021]
- Life as a PRINCE for a day! PART 1 (With Story :0)[published: Mar 27, 2021, 1 comment]
Me/K: This is an AWESOME story with TWISTS, TURNS, ACTION, and ADVENTURE!……
- How much do you know about BriannaPlayz (Fave YouTuber)[published: Mar 26, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz about my other FAVE YouTuber, BriannaPlayz! I watch……
- LET ME HELP YOU!!! :b[published: Mar 26, 2021, 8 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz where I can try to make ya happy....even though I'm not all that good at it! Anyway,……
- Would YOU like ME?! (Probably NOT XD)[published: Mar 25, 2021, 11 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz to see if YOU would like me or not! You most likely won't, but……
- DERECHO IS DA BEST, HE MEH BRUDDAH!!! :D[published: Mar 25, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: I guess you can say this is a Shout Out quiz! I may make another one with another……
Me/K: This is NOT a real quiz, here it just has quotes and scenes from The Sonic……
- DARE or DARE (SO RANDOM XD)[published: Mar 25, 2021, 10 comments]
Me/K: This is a VERY RANDOM quiz and you can get a VERY RANDOM DARE so you WON'T know what's coming!……
- PINEAPPLE PIZZA!!!!! XD[published: Mar 24, 2021, 7 comments]
- How much do you know about PrestonPlayz (Fave YouTuber)[published: Mar 24, 2021, 5 comments]
Me/K: HEYOOOOOOO!!!! This is a quiz I made about my FAVE YouTuber,……
- THIS IS FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL! (I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART)[published: Mar 24, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: This is a quiz for someone I have DEEP respect for and I LOVE……
- SHOUT OUTS I GUESS....(1ST ONE)[published: Mar 23, 2021, 17 comments]
Me/K: *Singing* THIS IS MEH 1ST SHOUT OUT QUIZ SO ENJOY!!!! I don't know many people on here,……
- WRITE a LETTER to my ORIGINAL character Alet! :D[published: Mar 23, 2021, 5 comments]
Me/K: Today, you will write my ORIGINAL character Alet a letter! (WARNING: SHE……
- What does my cousin's (SOON MINE) Guinea Pig think of U?![published: Mar 23, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: Ok, here is the gist. My cousin has this Guinea Pig named……
- LEVEL UP QUIZ!!! (It's still STUPID WEIRD quiz as usual)[published: Mar 23, 2021, 4 comments]
- IF WE MET IN REAL LIFE, HOW WOULD OUR RELATIONSHIP BE?[published: Mar 22, 2021, 10 comments]
Me/K: Ok, in this quiz, you will answer a bit of questions which will……
- I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO ASK YOU!!! (FOR GUYS)[published: Mar 22, 2021, 3 comments]
Me/K: I HAVE A QUIZ WHICH IS CHIZ.......whatever that means..... Anyway, I……
- GO TO DISNEYLAND WITH ME AND MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS!!! :D[published: Mar 22, 2021, 12 comments]
Me/K: HEY!!! Do you miss Disneyland? Cause I do! In this quiz, you and……
- Play a PaintBall game with my ORIGINAL characters(WIN ALPHA)[published: Mar 20, 2021, 13 comments]
Me/K: We are gonna play a Paintball gun fight and see who wins. The……
- What does my ORIGINAL character Alpha think of you?! :P[published: Mar 19, 2021, 11 comments]
Me/K: HELLO, EVERYONE AND WELCOME BACK!!! I am here with another……
- Would my grandparent's cat, Max, like you? (Me/K: NYA!)[published: Mar 19, 2021, 9 comments]
(Max is the Russian Blue in the picture) Me/K: Today, we will see my……
- WHAT IS FUNNIER THAN 24?!......25! (Me/K: SPONGEBOB QUOTES!)[published: Mar 18, 2021, 2 comments]
- What do I think of you? (GUYS ONLY)[published: Mar 17, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: Hello me friends! I'm K, why am I K? Just because I am! Today, for the BOYS, we will……
- TRY TO WIN AT MY ORIGINAL CHARACTER ABSINTHE'S GAME!!! :0[published: Mar 16, 2021, 11 comments]
Me/K: HELLO!!! Anyway, your just going to PLAY a game with my ORIGINAL……
- Hi, Meh Name is Sonic Tails Lf/K![published: Mar 15, 2021, 9 comments]
Me/K: OKIE, here are random things about me, maybe we have things in common! I was just bored,……
- What does my ORIGINAL character Alet think of you? :P[published: Mar 15, 2021, 12 comments]
Me/K: I'm here with ANOTHER quiz with another ORIGINAL character. Her name……
- Is Mayonnaise an instrument? :b[published: Mar 15, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: fvbhugvfhndcimsinvbuhendskmadivu bgryfdcnismxdc bufrvygdcnimsubvrysimuhsmkanvrydcnuismadce……
- HANG OUT WITH ME AND MY STORY CHARACTERS 4 A DAY!!![published: Mar 12, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: Ok, you will hang with me and my ORIGINAL characters and see what we……
- WHAT DOES MY ORIGINAL BOOK CHARACTER ABSINTHE THINK OF U?![published: Mar 10, 2021, 15 comments]
Me/K: Heya! I'm back with another quiz with ANOTHER ORIGINAL BOOK……
- WHICH ONE OF MY ORIGINAL BOOK CHARACTERS R U LIKE MORE?![published: Mar 10, 2021, 8 comments]
- 24 HOURS IN A ROOM WITH ME!!! (I'M BORED)[published: Mar 09, 2021, 13 comments]
Me/K: I AM SO BORED!!! I just made this quiz cause of it so ENJOY!!!……
- R u as SCARY as me or NOT?! :O[published: Mar 09, 2021, 12 comments]
Me/K: I am REALLY scary altho u don't see it much because I am the TOTAL jokester with cheesy……
- Would u SURVIVE in my future Quotev story, "BROKEN HEARTS?"[published: Mar 08, 2021]
Me/K: Ok, this is a story that is coming to my Quotev soon so I……
- What does my ORIGINAL book character, Akio think of U? :)[published: Mar 08, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: This is based off my ORIGINAL story that I'm going to add to……
- Which of My Quotev Stories Might U Enjoy? (Probably 4 girls)[published: Mar 08, 2021, 2 comments]
Me/K: HEYO!!! K HERE WITH ANOTHER QUIZ!!! I am a writer who puts……
- CAN U GUESS THESE YOUTUBERS? (Out of my favorites)[published: Mar 08, 2021, 6 comments]
Me/K: HEYO!!! Today, u will guys what YouTuber I am talking about out of my……
- HoW wEiRd R u?! :b[published: Mar 08, 2021, 14 comments]
Me/K: HEYO!!!! What's UP?! Ok, here u will see if ur wEiRd, in the middle, or normal! I tried to make this……
- DO U HAVE DEPRESSION? :([published: Mar 06, 2021, 14 comments]
Me/K: Ok, I got another quiz going! Today, we will see if u have depression or not, it can be u do, u……
- Would I Have a Crush on U? (GUYS ONLY, I'M 14)[published: Mar 06, 2021, 24 comments]
Me/K: I'm a 14 year old girl who is straight, loves animals, green, singing,……
- Y DID U JUMP OUT THE WINDOW?! (With Story) :o[published: Mar 05, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: So, in this quiz, u will see how it came that u jumped out of the window……
- Which of my (OLD/CURRENT) Dog or Cat R U?! :0[published: Mar 05, 2021, 4 comments]
Me/K: Heya, this is my 5th quiz, this one is like my Hamster one although it has……
- Which one of my hamsters are u? :,)[published: Mar 04, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: Hiii!! I'm back with another quiz! This time, it's on my hamsters! Today, we will see……
- How alike r we/would we be friends? :$ (ft. Chat Noir)[published: Mar 04, 2021]
Me/K: HEYYYY, AGAIN! It's me, K, back with another quiz! In this one,……
- What does Tails think of u? :D (With story)[published: Mar 03, 2021, 7 comments]
Me/K: HEYYYYYYY!!! This is my 2nd quiz! I hope u like it! To be honest, I liked it……
- What does Sonic think of u? :b[published: Mar 02, 2021, 11 comments]
Um...Hi! This is my first quiz so I hope u like it. Here, u can find out, does Sonic think of u……
Sonic Tails Lf's Recent Posts
"Anyway, on an unrelated note-- I woke up feeling horrible and sick today. Today and Thursday, I was supposed to come to school for testing d..."
"People be weird and the fact that that was your only post here is crazy but ew, I did not need to know that"
"Bruh, today, I felt like I was basically third wheeling with someone I made plans with specifically, not my sister. No hate to her but this ..."
"Just had to get that out somehow, but idk what to think now"
"Ngl I am so mad rn and have been frustrated these past days. Though I try to hold in my emotions, I truly feel like kicking a wall rn. Like,..."
"Ended up having an "episode" at school today bc I was in panic when my blood sugar started dropping REALLY low. I tried to pus"
"Don't worry, I will I promise and thank you for checking up on me again btw, you're very kind and it means a lot to me"
"True and yeah, it could be cuz of stress since ngl, I do be feeling pretty burnt out but I'm resting now so hopefully, I'll be good by tomor..."
"Didn't end up going to school today cuz I haven't been feeling well. It's not like I'm particularly sick I don't think but then again, idrk ..."
"There were therapy dogs visiting my school today and they were cute but also made me sad cuz one in particular looked exactly like my dog wh..."
"Got through the storm but still have school tomorrow ugghhh, I really don't wanna go tbh"
"Yeah, but I'm afraid of everything ngl so I'm even afraid of that lol, luckily things haven't gotten too bad so far, it's only raining for r..."
"Freaking out over the hurricane ngl but I'm hoping that it won't be as bad as I imagine it will be since I often overreact and overthink.."
"Also, I got school like, on Tuesday or so and even found a spot in an art class there so hopefully, that'll be fun though I'd like for the d..."
"Still trying to get my mind off the storm thing but on a better note, I've been getting more motivation to work on this story I've neglected..."
Sonic Tails Lf's Recent Quiz Comments
"Hey, my name is Kaylah or some people on here just call me "K" but your free to call me whatever you want to. But anyway, how ya doing…"
In response to Sonic Tails Lf:
"Hello! Ik this is late lol, but it's really…"
2 -
"Hello! Ik this is late lol, but it's really nice to meet you, you seem pretty cool :D"
3 replies1 -
"I got Billie Eilish
Awesome quiz :D"1 -
"I got Lisa, she's my fave :D
Great quiz!"1 -
""Your Result: youre really cool, lets be besties 77%
tbh youre actually really cool! we can probably get along well, and we could…"
3 replies3 -
"L E V E L U P"
2 -
"Zee the Level Up Comment"
In response to Sonic Tails Lf:
"Level Up :b"
2 -
"Level Up :b"
3 replies2 -
"I got 90 percent alike!
Great quiz! :D"1 reply2 -
"Nice to meet you! Welcome to the website and we can be friends :)"
1 reply2