MAMORU Dragon (Story Part 6)

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Me/K: This is the NEXT part! Take my old quizzes of this to understand the story. I know this is long, but hopefully, it took away your boredom! I tried my best!

Me/K: Rate and let me know what you think in the comments! Stick around to find out some new things and to use more of your power! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: Blah, blah, blah, go to the others, blah, blah, blah, I ain't Dora, let's go. Get me?
  2. It was monday morning, luckily, there hasn't been any more attacks from the villains and everyone was able to come out the house more now, but ONLY now. You were now in class, listening to your teacher talk about some boring history stuff. Alpha was doodling in his Notebook, K was asleep, Dara was interested, Nezumi was doing some Origami, and Xavier was looking outside. You were...
  3. (Time Skip To Lunch) You were sitting next to your friends at lunch. "So, what you guys wanna do after school" Alpha asked. "How about we train" Dara suggested. "Yeah, that would be fun" K said "And we can see what else (Y/N) can do. You in, (Y/N)?"
  4. "Sure" you answered, "Also, Dara, did Mamoru's friend take her?" "Yeah" she replied back "He took her. Maybe I can call him and see if he can come to our training, but if he does, it may have to be our next training. I guess this time we need to train off of what Mamoru taught us." "Oh" that's all you said, then their was silence the entire time.
  5. (Time Skip to After Class/I AIN'T LAZY, XD) You and your friends were walking to Mamoru's training area for your friends and now you since you were a hero now. You guys went over to the alley and went into the room you first met Mamoru in before. "So, where is this training space?" you asked. "In here" K said as she led you all to a closet. "Wow, such a great space" you said sarcastically. "That's what I said too, well, before I saw this" K moved some boxes out of the way and you could see some buttons on the wall. K pressed it and was gone. "WHERE IS SHE" you asked. "She teleported" Dara said "Press the button." You did as she said and pressed the button and was teleported to...
  6. You were a dome place in the sky? It was a dope with grass flooring, and a Dragon Designed building to cool down at, some benches, and the top of the dome was glass so you could see the clouds. "This is cool" you say amazed. Then, the rest of your friends come. "Now" Dara began "Since we're here, let's train." "How you wanna start?" Xavier asked Dara. "We'll start by telling our powers."
  7. "K, you start first" Dara told her. "Ya know" K said "I would feel better going last-" "GO FIRST!" "DANG" K said as her and everyone else sat on the grass. "Ok" she began "I am K, as you know and my hero name is Arctica. Like, no dur. My powers are Ice and the powers of an Arctic Fox. And I turn into an animal when you hug me SO DON'T DO IT!"
  8. Dara turned to Alpha "You go." "Ok then" he began "My name is Alpha, my hero name is Kagerou. My powers are lightning and the abilities of a wolf. I mainly get my power with the support of my friends and I turn into a wolf when people pet me like a dog." "I'll show you" K started petting Alpha and he turned into a Wolf. "Really?! Now I'm an animal!" K continued to pet his head "But the petting feels good." He wagged his tail. "Ok, Xavier, your next" Dara told him.
  9. Xavier spoke next "Ok, whatever, where do I start? I'm Xavier, my hero name is Torao, my powers are the abilities of a tiger and I can give myself a power boost to become stronger. I turn into an animal when I feel REALLY uncomfortable. Like, when Naomi is talking and won't shut up. It doesn't make me uncomfortable, it just makes me wanna die." "AWW" Naomi hugged Xavier "You included me!" Xavier rolled his eyes. "Ok, next is Naomi."
  10. "YAY! ME NEXT" Naomi said happily "Ok, my name is Naomi! My hero name is Nezumi! I like cats, dogs, cute stuff, hanging with Xavier, games-" "Stay on subject, Naomi" Dara reminded her. "Can you take the part with hanging with me off the list" Xavier asked Naomi. "NOPE" she said with a smile "But I have the abilities of a mouse, my other powers are to make ropes and I can shrink myself and multiply or make other people multiply. I turn into an animal when I am stressed or when I hear noises that REALLY scare me." "Ok, I'll go next" Dara said.
  11. "My name is Dara. My hero name is Nosuri. I have the abilities of an Owl, my power is that I can turn into a BIG Owl and make gusts of winds so my power is mainly wind. I turn into an animal when I am struggling on doing a task. Sometimes I don't know what to do." Then, K whispers to you "I find it sort of a sketchy fear." "REALLY, K?!" Dara rolled her eyes. "What?! I'm just saying out loud what we were all thinking, it's not much of a usual fear, but ok. I guess it's (Y/N)'s turn now."
  12. "Um...ok" you started "My name is (Y/N). My hero name is Ryoto. I have the powers of fire and Ice, um, I'm not really sure on the rest. I don't know much about my power." "You'll find out soon, maybe during training, so let's start" K says.
  13. "Ok" Dara said "First off, I want you to blast at this target." Dara hangs a target onto a bench "All the stuff is indestructible so everything should be ok. Alpha, you first." Alpha walked up "Ok" then, he aimed at the target and was about to blast lightning towards the target..."AAAAAH!" You guys heard screaming. "The heck? What is that?" K asked. Dara looked down from the sky "I think I see...Shi?" "You sure" Xavier asked her. "Yeah," she replied back "I have the eyes of an Owl, although I can see color and my vision isn't as blurry. I don't get why she's here. She wasn't here in our other battle..." "Well, we better go then" Alpha said and you all turned into your hero selves.
  14. "How do we get down?" you asked. "Simple" K said, she took out a remote from her pocket and pressed a button, half of the dome opened up, then Dara turned into a big Owl "Hop on!" You guys listened and sat on top of her as she flew down and K pressed another button which closed the dome.
  15. You guys made it to the ground and Nosuri turned back into a human. You could see Shi, she was trying to kill some people. She tried to use an Axe to slice a child, but you hurried and grabbed the child before she could, then you gave the kid to her mother and told them to run. "Your NO fun" Shi rolled her eyes. "How is killing people fun" you asked. "It's just a joy" Shi said "And so is killing you heros!" She ran and was about to cut you guys with an Axe. You and your friends got ready to fight!
  16. Shi was about to hit you, but instead, someone kicked her in the stomach, they did it SO HARD that she hit against a building! The person who hit her wore a Black jacket, black shirt, black mask, and yellow eyes (In the Quiz Pic). "Who are you?" Torao asked him. "Are you friends with Mamoru?!" Nezumi asked him. "Yes" he replied back "I came when I was called about her death, I'm a skilled Hero so I was here to help." "Another hero" Shi mumbled to herself "I need to tell Karasu." She got up, limping a bit and ran away. "Where is she going?!" Nosuri asked. "Let's get her" Arctica said, about to run after her. "NO" the guy in the hoodie stopped her "Let her go, we'll get her back. Also, I haven't introduced myself, my names Bosu." "Bosu?" Arctica was confused by the name "Doesn't that mean 'Boss'?" "Yes" he told you "Mamoru told me if anything happened to her that I need to be your new trainer. How fun. Meet me at the dome tomorrow!" He ordered while pointing his finger out you guys. "Why the heck is he pointing his finger at us" Arctica asked. "I don't know, just go with it" Kagerou said.
  17. (The Next Day/After School/At the Dome) You and your friends were in your hero costumes, ready to train. You guys were waiting for Bosu to start. "Ok" he finally said "We will practice aiming." He pointed toward the Target Nosuri put on the bench before. "Kagerou, you start." "Ok."
  18. Kagerou walked up to the front and was aiming toward the target, and...."HONK!" Kagerou got scared and electrocuted Torao and he fell onto the floor and Nezumi got scared and turned into a mouse! "I'm gonna kill you when I get up" Torao told Kagerou. "It wasn't my fault!" Kagerou said, "What was that noise?" Bosu was holding a horn "It was me. You need to focus with noise. You don't know what noises they'll be." "Grab his neck." Torao mumbled, but Nosuri covered his mouth.
  19. "Next, it's Nezumi's turn" Bosu said, he had some controller and there were lasers, one of them almost touched you, but you jumped out the way. "Nezumi" Bosu called her "Get through this obstacle and get that pencil over there" he pointed towards a pencil on the other side of the lasers. "OKIE" Nezumi was still a mouse and went through the lasers, she was doing good since she was small, she was almost there, then-"HONK!" Nezumi panicked and jumped up and hit one of her legs on the laser "OW! THAT HURT! WHY ARE THE LASERS SO HOT?!" She cried, Bosu turned off the lasers and Torao picked mouse Nezumi up in his hands and asked Bosu "Are you out of your frickin' mind? The lasers were real?!" "Your lucky. They only burned, real lasers would slice off her leg, but as a hero, she should be fine" Bosu said.
  20. "Next-" "NEXT?!" Arctica interrupted him "What about Nezumi?!" "She'll be fine, heros suffer pain." "Oh really," Arctica said as she was trying to grab Bosu's neck, but Nosuri held her back. "Yeah, I like her more and more" Kagerou said with a smile as he was recording the whole thing. "Next is Torao" Bosu said. He leaded Torao to this BIG rock. "Now, Torao, I want you to use your boost and break this rock. Once it breaks, it will turn into a tiger rock statue. To make it the tiger statue, think HARD of what you want the statue to look like while you hit it."
  21. "Ok" Torao used his powers and gave himself a boost. Then, he took a moment to think of a tiger, and-"HONK!" Torao hit the rock, but instead of making the tiger statue, he lost his focus and the rock broke into pieces. It was Bosu with the horn. Torao was annoyed "ARE YOU ADDICTED TO THAT STINKIN' HORN OR SOMETHING?!" "No" Bosu said "I told you, you guys gotta focus." "I'm focused on KILLING someone right about now" Torao mumbled.
  22. "Now is Nosuri's turn" Bosu said and put down a trash can "Turn into a BIG Owl and use the wind from your wings to knock it down." "Ok" Nosuri turned into an Owl and used her wings to blow down the trash can, she DID IT, with NO noise "I DID IT! I DID-" "HONK!" Nosuri was about to lose it, but instead went to a corner mumbling "Go to your HAPPY place, go to your HAPPY place...GO TO YOUR HAPPY PLACE!" Arctica looked at her crazy "DA HECK?!" "Now it's Arctica's turn" Bosu said.
  23. "Ryoto, Imma need you to help to" Bosu told you. "Um...ok," you walked over. "Ok," Bosu explained "Ryoto, when I say go, you use your water powers to make a swirl going up. When you do that, Arctica will use her ice to freeze the water." "Got it" you said, but you were a bit nervous, what if he honked the horn again. It was ANNOYING, but you said nothing, this was training. Your first time, although, you didn't really like it so far. "Ok...GO!" You made a swirl of water going up and Arctica used her ice and-"HONK!" NOT AGAIN! Arctica accidentally froze some of the grass and your water ended up falling on you. You were all wet!
  24. "UGH, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" Arctica began to run around in circles, trying to get out the dome "I DON'T LIKE HORNS! KILL ME NOW! KILL ME NOW!" " she ok?" you asked Kagerou. "Yeah" he replied, she is just going crazy, may be because of the irritating honks and that this place is small. I'll get her." Kagerou ran towards Arctica and grabbed her, but she was trying to get out of his grasp. "It's ok, Arctica, it's ok! CALM DOWN!" Then, he hugged her and she turned into an Arctic Fox and she calmed down and laid on the ground. "Why...?" she was tired. Kagerou just pet her head and said "She's fine!" "Ok" Bosu said. "Can we just end this" Arctica said as she turned back into a human "Your not even a good teacher! All you like is horns! Are you really supposed to be teaching us?!"
  25. "YES!" Bosu said and went up to Kagerou and Arctica "And here is your next training assignment" he handcuffed Arctica and Kagerou together "You guys will fight together and enjoy it!" "WHAT?!" Arctica gasped "YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" "Don't worry" Kagerou told her "Maybe we can view this like how it is is Spongebob" then he began to sing "Teamwork. We can do anything with Teamwork, don't you think so my friend?" "Kill me" Arctica mumbled. "BAM!" you guys all heard a noise!
  26. Nosuri looked down from the dome "I see Discharge, Shi, and some guy in a Chameleon costume." "Ugh, are they trying to be Espio" Arctica asked. "No, their green, not purple." "You mean Purr-ple, right?" Arctica said and Nosuri just rolled her eyes. "This is fine" Bosu said, then looked at you "Ryoto, you can show me some of your skills down there." You say...
  27. Nosuri turned into a big Owl and flew everyone down. When you guys landed, you could see Shi, Discharge, and the Chameleon guy standing there. "Let's do this" you say. "OOF!" you hear someone say, you turn around to see Kagerou and Arctica on the ground. "You guys are only handcuffed by hands, how did you fall" Torao asked them. "I don't know" Arctica answered "I think Kagerou tripped or something, but we're fine, continue..." "Um, ok" you turned toward the Chameleon "Who are you?" He smiled and said "You can call me Kamereon." "Wow" Arctica said sarcastically "You just named yourself the Japanese version of Chameleon? Really?" "Yes" he said "And now, enough chatting, time for us to END you!"
  28. Then, you guys began fighting, well, not really Arctica and Kagerou, they were mainly dodging cause they were handcuffed together. You were fighting with Shi, she tried to hit you with a hammer, but you dodged and kicked her in the stomach. You guys continued fighting until you noticed that Kamereon was gone, he was there one minute but gone the next. You looked over to Discharge to see him giving some dynamite to nothing, there was nothing there, but the dynamite moved over and was gone. 'WAIT' you thought 'CHAMELEONS, THEY CAN BLEND IN! HE CAN TURN INVISIBLE!'
  29. "GUYS!" you yelled to your friends "KAMEREON IS INVISIBLE! WATCH OUT!" They all heard you, but then, you heard an explosion. "KAGEROU!" you heard Arctica yell! You gasped when you turned around to see...
  30. Me/K: To see a CLIFFHANGER! I know this one was a bit long, but I hope it took away your boredom! That's all for today, come back for Part 7, BOI!!!

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