What do I think of you? (GUYS ONLY)

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Me/K: Hello me friends! I'm K, why am I K? Just because I am! Today, for the BOYS, we will see what I think of ya! Most of my friends are boys, even my BEST friend so today we will see if I would like ya!

Me/K: I don't have much to say.....so.....I like dogs.....I'm just adding random stuff so skip this unless you want me to say stupid stuff...............so BOI!!!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: Ok, LET'S GO!!! Anyway, fave COLLAR?
  2. Me/K: Do you like making edits?
  3. Me/K: Opinion of Tails?
  4. Me/K: I like art, do you?
  5. Me/K: I like to sing, make music, and play the ukulele, piano, and Clarinet! I am a Squidward and Spongebob! If you made music, would you share it with others?
  6. Me/K: Do you like anime?
  7. Me/K: Hobbies?
  8. Me/K: Which game?
  9. Me/K: Do you like stupid yet funny shows like Sonic Boom, Spongebob Squarepants, or Amazing World of Gumball?
  10. Me/K: Fave movie out of these?
  11. Me/K: Ok, so, your crush says they love you, you get together and soon enough, you find out their a yandere and you like someone else, but your OLD crush WON'T let you break up, you....
  12. Me/K: Quotes:
  13. Me/K: Ups....
  14. Me/K: Do you like Arctic Foxes/Red Foxes, wolves, and dogs?
  15. Me/K: When you meet someone, you look at their.....
  16. Me/K: Looks like we have a REKI situation!
  17. Me/K: Who are you more like? My Answer: I'm a bit of Sonic, Tails, Silver and I can be Shadow sometimes!
  18. Me/K: If I were to fall off a roof, what would you do?
  19. Me/K: *drinks fire* Want some fire?
  20. Me/K: Do you like Gravity Falls?
  21. Me/K: In school, your known as.....
  22. Me/K: Do you speak any other languages? My Answer: I speak English, French, and Koreon!
  23. Me/K: Who lives in a pineapple under the Sea?
  24. Me/K: Nobody's a nobody and everybody is weird like you and me! Don't have to look beside me to know that you are there!
  25. Me/K: Do you think I'm weird (BE HONEST, I AIN'T OFFENDED)
  26. Me/K: BOI!!!

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