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Me/K: This is a quiz where I can try to make ya happy....even though I'm not all that good at it! Anyway, I hope this makes ya better, if not, look at some memes!

Me/K: I hope you enjoy the quiz, I'm just putting random stuff, waiting for this to be filled up so....yeah, I'm just waiting for it to fill up! Just take the quiz! Ok, I'm done, BOI!!!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: Are you sad?
  2. Me/K: *Puts on glasses and grabs clipboard* First off, where do your troubles take place?
  3. Me/K: Which would you prefer to have as your roommate? A goat or a bird?
  4. Me/K: Do doors have windows?
  5. Me/K: How many chickens would it take to be able to kill a lion?
  6. Me/K: What would you rather: Have no nose, but have really good smelling fingers? Or Have to NOT use your fingers for a month, but have a LONG tongue to use to grab things?
  7. Me/K: Do you like Tacos?
  8. Me/K: Does it make you MAD when a movie is 1 hour and 29 minutes when it can be 1 HOUR and 30 MINUTES?!
  9. Me/K: *Singing* Never be enough. Towers of gold are still too little. These hands could hold the world but it'll. Never be enough. Never be enough
  10. Me/K: Are birds pigs?
  11. Me/K: Meowzers!!!
  12. Me/K: Which one would you ride?
  13. Me/K: INVADER ZIM!
  14. Me/K: When you saw Sonic in the Sonic Movie, how did it make you feel?
  15. Me/K: Is Tails awesome?
  16. Me/K: I met my mom's sister's brother's aunt's uncle's sister's cousin's uncle!
  17. Me/K: Did I make you feel better?
  18. Me/K: Remember, YOUR AWESOME!!!

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