Oh look...life came to an Emoji, XD

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Me/K: ItsBrycen dared me to do this, XD! Now, I need to make a quiz on the emoji with glasses. TBH, that's my second favorite emoji. My first fave is the crying laughing one.

Me/K: I like the crying laughing one more being that's how I am when I look at memes or do funny things, XD. Anyway, you can begin the quiz (There's NO right answer)

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: Ok, now, my life came to making a quiz about a frickin' emoji, ain't that something?
  2. Me/K: Ok, so, Imma talk about this emoji that has sunglasses....
  3. Me/K: Ok, so, it's like what it looks like, an emoji with sunglasses that's starin' at you like your crazy when, who knows, the emoji may be!
  4. Me/K: But where did the emoji even get the glasses, like heck, did they go to the beach and SLAP it off of some guys face and take 'em?
  5. Me/K: I guess the emoji represents SAVAGE Peppa when she disses Suzy. Also *Claps Hands* Peppa said "SIKE" to Suzy in time. Give her a hand.
  6. Me/K: I don't get why it's even wearing glasses, like, you at the beach 24/7, every picture I see of it is in sunglasses....
  7. Me/K: Ya know what *Puts on Sunglasses* I feel like a changed person...like, now, I am ready to meet Dora.
  8. Me/K: *Still wearing sunglasses* Coo, coo...
  9. Me/K: Now that I think about it, what if you get a Lego and put glasses on it. The emoji and Lego are both yellow...
  10. Me/K: *Walks out wearing Sunglasses* Aye, see ya later, dude. BOI!!!

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