What Emoji Are You Most Like?

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This is a ten-question quiz on what emoji you are most like! You can get the smiley face, winky, smirk, silly, cool, nerd, curious, or laughing! I hope you guys enjoy it!

If you like this quiz, please check out our YouTube channel; KOTLC Cuz! We do Keeper Of The Lost Cities themed stuff, so be sure to check it out! Thank you!

Created by: KOTLC Cuz
  1. What word best describes you?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What do you like to do in your spare time?
  4. What is your favorite sport?
  5. What is your school status?
  6. How are your grades?
  7. How's your life?
  8. Quarantine.
  9. What's your favorite emoji?
  10. How would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Emoji am I Most Like?
