BNHA OC Quirk Generator

Welcome to my quiz! How are you doing today/tonight? I hope you're doing good! This quiz is a "BNHA OC Quirk Generator" type of quiz. Which means you will find out what your character or characters quirk or quirks will be!

I hope you enjoy the quiz!!! 💕💕💕 I really hope you guys had fun, because I had a lot of fun making this quiz! Oh! Also! Make sure to comment some ideas for more OC generators! <3 Thanks, and goodbye! <3

Created by: Krystal Gaming YT
  1. What is your character's favorite color or colors?
  2. What is your character's birth month?
  3. What is your character's zodiac sign?
  4. What is one POSITIVE personality trait of your character?
  5. What is one NEGATIVE personality trait of your character?
  6. What is your character's eye color?
  7. What is your character's hair color?
  8. What is your character's occupation?
  9. What is your character's favorite outfit style?
  10. Are you ready to get your result(s)?

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