Mha quirk generator~

This is mha quirk generator that tells your quirk as a result for you choices so you can know what did your choices lead to. I hope it was really and funny for you

Have fun and don't forget to try others quiz I will make much more in future. Why I am talkative? Because I needd the 150 word to complete to my apologies(:

Created by: Shaw
  1. What is your rule in my hero academia world is?
  2. Who is your favourite pro-hero?
  3. What is your favourite colour?
  4. What is your character personality?
  5. What is the mental issue that your character have?
  6. If you have to choose between. Killing one of your closest friend or 100 of unknown people to you. Who will you choose to kill?
  7. If you are broken. What could possibly fix you?
  8. You or your sibling succeed?
  9. If you could have a girlfriend from your class 1-A who will she be?
  10. Remember your favourite hero?. If he retired and became useless would you still see him as your role model?

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