What emoji are you

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Hey so this is just like a normal personality quiz and don't stress out about it unless you're gonna be stressed emoji Clap Or Laugh Please, I'm being a stress emoji!

Hope you have fun on this quiz it's about emojis most of the ones I do are about wings of fire but this 1 is not So good luck To everyone taking this quiz!!!!!!

Created by: Emmy
  1. If someone you did not know was talking to you in a line what would you do
  2. What is your favorite food out of these
  3. What is your least favorite food out of these
  4. By the end of this quiz what emoji are you hoping you are
  5. Where would you rather live
  6. If someone told you that you had to eat their favorite food how would you react
  7. What if you had a twin and somebody said that their birthday was more important than yours What would you do
  8. If you were told that you had to murder somebody or die what would you do
  9. If someone told you that you had to hug the bully at your school how would you react
  10. How much did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What emoji am I
