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Me/K: This isn't really a quiz, this was requested by Dogs71, someone else requested a quiz so I need to work on that too! MAN, I have so many quizzes to work on!

Me/K: (Quizzes Coming Up) The quizzes I'm working on is another requested one, a Sonic quiz, a Tails quiz, and I'm going to work with another GTQ user named Accalia and we're going to make a Silver quiz which is gonna be fun! :D

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: In your opinion, which is better?
  2. Me/K: I LOVE DOGGOS!!!
  3. Me/K: Cats aren't my fave, my grandparents have a cat named Max and his hobbies are playing Soccer and killing!
  4. Me/K: I have a dog named Roxxi and she is a fun, nice sweetheart and tries to keep my family safe!
  5. Me/K: Plus, I like to do research on dogs and there are MANY hero stories about dogs. Wanna hear one I read?
  6. Me/K: I read this one Dog book and the story was that there was this little 5 year old in the background and there was a snake around....
  7. Me/K: The snake tried to go bite the girl, but a puppy got in front of the girl and fought the snake so it died!
  8. Me/K: The girl and her family kept the puppy as a pet...for 2 weeks, after that, the puppy died because the snake bit him.
  9. Me/K: Another story is that I know is that there was this family that had a dog and 3 kittens who they loved. One day, the house was on fire, the family and dogs escaped, but the kittens were trapped!
  10. Me/K: The dog went into the house, even though it was on fire and he SAVED ALL THE KITTENS! The WHOLE family was safe! THE END!
  11. Me/K: Dogs are great in many ways, their heros, fun, kind, can learn things, help people stay fit by getting walks, and have great sense of smell!
  12. Me/K: Did my doggo research make you think dogs are better than cats?
  13. Me/K: That's all for today, this quiz was requested by Dogs71, hope ya enjoyed it and DOGS RULE!!!

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