how much would i hate you?

alrighty alrighty. if you don’t know me irl, you should probably not be taking this quiz. if you do, then hello. you probably aren’t reading this and skipping over it and just taking the quiz, but this is required so yeah TWO PARAGRAPHS yay

anyways, see how much i dislike you based on an online quiz. accurate ikr? this will actually show you how much you suck through my pov. haha. this is gonna be so accurate you have no idea. all of these questions are based on things one can control btw

Created by: local idiot
  1. do you support things such as BLM, or like LGBTQ+ rights? (you know darn well what i’m talking about)
  2. do you judge people based on their interests?
  3. do you tend to dislike people based on their jokes?
  4. how do you feel on animated television shows?
  5. how likely are you to skip going to hangout because someone specifically isn’t there?
  6. you just learned that your best friend isn’t able to hang out when you guys planned to. what’s your reaction?
  7. you and a friend are hanging out when suddenly your friend is talking about one of their interests. like any normal person, they will go on and on about their interest. what do you do?
  8. do you pull out your phone during hang outs with friends?
  9. do you watch minecraft youtubers? (this question will not affect your answer negatively)
  10. do you yourself watch animated tv shows? (will not affect your score negatively)
  11. what’s your average phone screentime?
  12. favorite song from bo burnham’s “inside”?
  13. favorite song we sang in choir?
  14. What platform do you use to play music? This is the most SERIOUS question (jk).
  15. this question does not change your result. what do you THINK you got?

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