Are you a friend or foe?

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Are you a friend of mine, or an enemy? Would we get along, or would we fight often? Take this quiz to find out! This has everything from how you act to friends, to your political beliefs, to your interests -- everything that I think determines how well we would get along.

WARNING: This will contain discourse and political ideals. If you are not willing to go through that, you can skip those questions or not take this quiz. Skipping questions may leave to inaccurate results.

  1. All "Yes" answers mean you agree. All "No" answers mean you disagree. You are agreeing or disagreeing with the question or statement at hand.
  2. First question, I am...
  3. Yes or no: I enjoy franchises such as FNaF, DDLC, Creepypasta, The Amazing Digital Circus, etc. and I also enjoy things such as MBTI, writing/art, and culinary (cooking/baking).
  4. Yes or no: I enjoy creative works and talking about them. (Art, writing, etc)
  5. Yes or no: Is the invasion of privacy ever okay? If so, in which situation?
  6. Yes or no: I am a good listener.
  7. Yes or no: I respect other peoples' chosen names, pronouns, identities, etc. unless they are harmful (ex. transIDs). That is basic respect.
  8. Yes or no: I am engaging in conversation and I make effort to hang out or talk often.
  9. Yes or no: I tell people before I have to go on a trip or take a break for any reason so they don't get worried. (or at least make the effort to try)
  10. Yes or no: I am open-minded about a lot of things and am willing to learn about almost anything.
  11. Yes or no: I am someone who wants to make sure others feel included in conversation.
  12. Yes or no: I am someone who enjoys deep conversation over small talk.
  13. Yes or no: Everyone has a unique perspective on everything; therefore, reality and things we believe to be true can differ from person to person.
  14. Yes or no: Age and pet regression is a very helpful coping mechanism and should not be confused with age/pet play.
  15. The following will be discourse and politically involved. If you would like to opt out of this, skip this section to get inaccurate results or leave the quiz.
  16. Yes or no: I am right-leaning politically and hold a lot of the Conservative views.
  17. Yes or no: I believe that all LGBTQIA+ (including xenogenders, neopronouns, "contradicting" labels and otherwise "unusual" labels) are valid and deserve respect.
  18. Yes or no: AGAB causes more harm than good, and people who feel harmed by their AGAB for any reason have the right to pick a label to replace it -- AGAB does not matter.
  19. Yes or no: The use of neoAGABs (self-assigned "assigned gender at birth") is valid in all cases, intersex and perisex alike. It is used to reclaim a harmful label given by doctors by genderqueer individuals.
  20. Yes or no: I know what plurality means in terms of mental health and identity.
  21. Yes or no: I support plurality in all cases, including plurality that was not formed from trauma, is non-disordered, or otherwise non-conforming plurality.
  22. Yes or no: Informed self-diagnosis is valid. (This means that the person is allowed to use self-diagnosis if they read up on the symptoms of the disorder/illness and cannot get a professional diagnosis.)
  23. Yes or no: We should raise the minimum wage. If someone is working a full-time job, they should not have to choose between a home, food, water, and bills; that is very unfair. If the prices of other things go up, then that is the fault of the greedy CEOs.
  24. Yes or no: Universal healthcare would not work.
  25. Yes or no: Minority groups need to fight for equal rights still--Their rights are not complete until they have full choice over what happens to them legally.
  26. Yes or no: Abortions are the right of the person carrying the baby and no one else should be able to say abortions should be illegal.
  27. Yes or no: There should be a lot more gun restrictions.
  28. Yes or no: Being pro-Palestine automatically makes someone anti-semitic.
  29. Yes or no: Catcalling isn't that big of an issue.
  30. Yes or no: Illegal ships such as child x adult or ones that shows dark material such as r*pe to be "cute" is disgusting; it does not matter if it is fictional or not.
  31. Yes or no: When a content creator gets called out for problematic behaviour, it is the morally best choice to stop all interaction with their content until they can confirm that they didn't do what was accused in a convincing way. Those who do not do this are in the moral wrong.
  32. Yes or no: Cis men do not belong in Pride, even if they are also gay, bi, pan, ace, etc.
  33. Yes or no: Protesting is the right of the American people.
  34. Yes or no: Treating autistic people or people with ADHD like stupid children is weird and gross.
  35. Yes or no: Having BPD, NPD, or other cluster B disorders does not mean they are inherently abusive.

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Quiz topic: Am I a friend or foe?
