Are you a friend or foe? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Are you a friend or foe?
Are you a friend or foe?
Your Result: Friend 91%
resultCool, you're a friend! Neato! We should hang out sometime. I share my space with people I trust, so maybe you can get there. Who knows, you may even be allowed to hug me after a while.
I only chose differently on 26 because some personal things, so your opinion on that matter is still valid. and honestly, forgive me if this is creepy but lots of things you've said in the forums have allowed me to change my opinion about guns, politics, neo-identities and other things for the better so thanks for that lol.
Yeah, I tend to be very... Open and firm about things? I supposed that's the best way to put it. A lot of it comes from "I'll do my thing and you do yours". The reason 26 is the way it is, is simply: Don't force people to abort, but don't force people to give birth. The only people who should be able to choose if abortion is right is the ones who have to give birth to begin with because, honestly, not having it that way is like if we let a monkey decide whether or not a giraffe should die (that is to say, they aren't related in any way and it's really weird). That's just how I view things, I'm very strong about bodily autonomy (choice over what happens to you) and that'd be why.
ALSO no it's not creepy! I'm glad I was able to open your mind to new concepts, that's always a good thing!
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