How Good Is Ur Warriors OC?

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Hey! Wondering if ur OCs are realistic? Well see that here! Hope you enjoy my quiz and make some cool OCs, you can send me your OCs to help improve or ask if its good, even though ur score is Meh.

Some OCs are good, some are bad, but thats all okay! I wont judge any of them! Love you all my little sunflowers 🌻! Theres always space to grow and improve ur OCs!

Created by: ST4R
  1. What kind of name does your OC have?
  2. What rank does your OC reach?
  3. Does ur OC have anything normal cats wont have? (Wings, Rainbow colours, Powers, etc.)
  4. Does ur OC have Fire, Thunder, Shadow, Lightning, Rain in its name?
  5. Does ur OC fall in love?
  6. What is your OCs background?
  7. Were they born in clan?
  8. Was ur OC in a prophecy once?
  9. How did they die?
  10. Does ur OC have an fitting name?
  11. Did you like this quiz? (Dw this doesnt avect ur score!)

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