What type of Right-Winger are you?

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What Type of Right-Winger are you? In this quiz, you will (like in any other quiz) answer a series of questions and get a specific result. If you aren’t sure what ideology fits you, maybe this quiz will help!

What Type of Right-Winger are you? Feel free to leave any criticisms or compliments in the comments. Hgfdngfdngfdjhtdmhtdnhtdnhtdnhtdnhtdnhtdnhtdnhtdn

Created by: Iden Versio
  1. Who should assume state functions?
  2. Government surveillance is a necessary evil
  3. In times of crisis, safety becomes more important than civil liberties.
  4. Anarchy is preferable to a full-blown military dictatorship
  5. The smaller the government, the freer the people.
  6. Freedom of business is the best practical way a society can prosper.
  7. The government must regulate certain industries that profit off of moral vices, like the (romantic snuggling and cuddling) industry.
  8. Socialism as an economic system can never work.
  9. Corporatism is a better system than Capitalism and/or Socialism.
  10. Tariffs are an essential component of a true free market.
  11. Capitalism breeds degeneracy, thus it must be toppled.
  12. My nation's interests always come first.
  13. Intervening in foreign wars is a foolish endeavor.
  14. Globalism, or at the least, Internationalism, would be beneficial for humanity.
  15. Economic globalization is inevitable, and should be embraced.
  16. Foreign Aid is a waste of money.
  17. The Age of Enlightenment was a net negative for society.
  18. Modern conservatism is too liberal and compromised.
  19. We should be accepting of some liberal ideas.
  20. The feminist movement has been detrimental to Western civilization.
  21. Ultraconservatives, Fascists, and other types of Right-Wingers of the sort, should be disavowed by the greater conservative movement.
  22. The acceptance of LGBT+ community in the conservative movement; and more broadly, western civilization as a whole, have proven to have been disastrous for civilized society.
  23. Separation of church-and-state is necessary for a stable democracy.
  24. Abortion; whether I like it or not, is a woman’s right.
  25. It is vital that immigrants who come to my country assimilate.
  26. Do you deem an authoritarian state necessary to secure the values and sovereignty of your nation?

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Quiz topic: What type of Right-Winger am I?
