Will you DIE tomorrow?

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This is not a hoax. take this quiz at your own risk.. you might accidentally alter your fate.. This quiz is sponsored by your mom. And your aunt. And your grandma. And your dog.

Just take the quiz. You'll know why. You might want to be careful where you tread. Things have a way of turning when you least expect it. The sky has been looking a little off, don’t you think? And the trees? They seem to be... watching. It’s probably nothing, though. Just a feeling I get sometimes when the wind shifts. You’ll understand soon enough, I’m sure.

Created by: Jibby Gooby
  1. As-tu senti comme un sac de plastique?
  2. Did you eat vegan nachos yesterday?
  3. A homeless approaches you and tells you to pick a card. What do you do?
  4. What color shirt are you wearing?
  5. ANOTHER homeless man approaches you and tells you to meet him down the alley at 9pm. What do you do?
  6. If you can change the color of your pee, what would you choose?
  7. What is life?
  8. You're in the Squid Games, have you played these games before?
  9. Which billionaire will you most likely be besties with?
  10. Will you die tomorrow?

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Quiz topic: Will I DIE tomorrow?
