Would we allow you in our tree fort?

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Would we allow you into our tree fort? This quiz will determine your access! From anything to shared interests to values, we'll include it. While we won't get too political, we do suggest taking our "Friend or Foe" quiz as well!

This will contain our strongest values and most important beliefs, with (hopefully) plenty of options for the most accurate results! This will be a longer quiz and we hope you enjoy it!

  1. Hello! Welcome to the quiz! First question, as this is important... Do you even want to be in our tree fort? It's okay to decline; that's your choice.
  2. Do you know who we are?
  3. Do you like to talk?
  4. Now! Do you share any of our interests? We enjoy Five Nights at Freddy's, Helluva Boss, Doki Doki Literature Club, and DreamSMP (to some degree) fandoms.
  5. Do you play Gacha Club?
  6. Do you engage with content creators like Markiplier, Emkay, OneTopic, JammiDodger, The Click?
  7. If you haven't noticed a trend already -- What do you consider cringe?
  8. Do you support groups, even if you don't understand them or relate?
  9. Do you support religion and spiritual practices?
  10. Do you understand plurality?
  11. Do you support the following: M-spec mono; Xenogenders; Desirdae+Similar terms; Therians, otherkin, otherlink, etc.; neoAGABs -- If you don't understand these terms, you can look them up on Google or Tumblr!
  12. What was your score on our "Friend or Foe" quiz? It's linked in this quiz for you to take if you haven't!
  13. Do you try to take interest in things your friends like?
  14. Do you respect privacy?
  15. Finally, time to see what you got! Have we ever talked before?

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