Would we allow you in our tree fort? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Would we allow you in our tree fort?
Would we allow you in our tree fort?
Your Result: Yes, welcome in! 90%
resultWelcome to our tree fort! Do you want some tea? Or maybe some coffee? No? That's alright! How about some cookies? We made them ourselves! I hope you enjoy your time here <3
0% No, sorry...
Would we allow you in our tree fort?
Your Result: Yes, welcome in! 88%
resultWelcome to our tree fort! Do you want some tea? Or maybe some coffee? No? That's alright! How about some cookies? We made them ourselves! I hope you enjoy your time here <3
46% No, sorry...
i mean this is okay!F33LG00D1
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