Which Ninjago Character Are You?

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a silly lil quiz to find out which ninjago character you are!! there may be two less silly questions (idk where they came from...) but I hope you have fun!!!

seriously. there are two more existential type questions that talk about death (nothing too explicit tho) so if you're sensitive to that then don't take this quiz

Created by: Jancy Junior
  1. first off: who's your favorite ninja?
  2. who do you relate to the most?
  3. what's your favorite color?
  4. what's your favorite food?
  5. what's your favorite element?
  6. what do you think happens after we die?
  7. sorry, the other question was a lil depressing, here's a more lighthearted one: what's your favorite flower (out of these)?
  8. what's your favorite hobby?
  9. how do you think you'd die?
  10. waoh, idk where those dark questions are coming from 😅 but anyway- last question!!! how much fun did you have taking this!?

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Quiz topic: Which Ninjago Character am I?
