How well do you really know Ninjago?

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Hey Ninjago fans, this quiz is to find out how well you really know Ninjago! I rewatched the entire series up till season 16 to make this quiz, so its pretty accurate.(THERE WILL BE SPIOLERS).

I've tried to do a variety of questions, and because I've done 2 on each season its quite long, 38 questions. They're not easy but not impossibly hard, so if you know the show you should probably get at least 50%, but an 80 to 90 is really good. I hope you like it!

Created by: Dreamz and starz
  1. Lets start easy: What are Kai and Cole's elemental powers?(in that order)
  2. Jay and Nya's?
  3. And Zane and Lloyd's?
  4. True or false: Wu is Garmadons younger brother
  5. Who is Lloyds mother?
  6. Now lets get harder: Which snake tribe did Lloyd release first in rise of the serpentine?
  7. In which episode did Nya and Jay first go on a date?
  8. In season 2, what was the name of the pirate captain Garmadon accidentally resurrected?
  9. In Legacy of the green Ninja, what was on top of the mountain at the dark island that the overlord told Garmadon to climb up to?
  10. In season 3, Rebooted, who stole the overlords hard drive and helped him, wearing a hood and not revealing his identity till much later?
  11. Who defeated the Overlord in the end?
  12. In season 4, Tournament of Elements, which of the ninja loses the tournament and has to go work in Chens noodle factory?
  13. What is Skylar NOT?
  14. What is season 5 called?
  15. True or false: season 5 is when Nya discovers her elemental water powers
  16. In season 6, Skybound, what was Nadakhan the Djin trapped in for centuries and who released him?
  17. What is Nadakhan's catchphrase?
  18. In season 7, Hands of time, what are the time twins called?
  19. Was the brown ninja Dareth in this season?
  20. In season 8, Sons of Garmadon, who was The Quiet One?
  21. What were the 3 unique artifacts that the Sons of Garmadon were after called?
  22. In season 9, hunted, where are Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane and Wu?
  23. What is the real name of heavy metal, the hunter who helps Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane and Wu?
  24. In season 10, March of the Oni, who falls into the Oni cloud (after the rope ladder breaks on the bounty) and everyone believes is dead?
  25. How are the Oni defeated?
  26. In season 11, Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitsu, what is Aspheera's catchphrase?
  27. Who saves master Wu by pushing him out of the way of Aspheera's blast and where do they get banished to as a result?
  28. In season 12, Prime Empire, who steal's the prime empire motherboard and serves Unagami in the real world?
  29. What do the ninja enter to win the second keytanna?
  30. In season 13, Master of the Mountain, where are the ninja invited?
  31. True or false: Cole, master Wu and princess Vania fall down the pit because of the evil King Vangelis and meet the Lowly at rock bottom.
  32. What is season 14 called?
  33. What are the native Keepers sworn to protect, asked by the FSM?
  34. In season 15, Seabound, how do Nya, Jay, Lloyd, Zane, Pixal and Maya get to the deepest point in the ocean, the Tartarus trench?
  35. What does Kalmaar do to get rid of his father the king?
  36. In season 16, Crystallised, where do Lloyd and Wu find Garmadon?
  37. What happens to Harumi in the last episode?
  38. And one last killer question: What is it and who uses the tip from Clutch Power's book in season 11?

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Quiz topic: How well do I really know Ninjago?
