HI TO ALL LIVIES! and also those who came here just to try it! answer some of these really simple questions and find out what Olivia Rodrigo song just in 5 minutes! have fun

Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy, Not me, if you ever cared to ask, Good for you, you're doing great out there without me, baby, God, I wish that I could do that, I've lost my mind, I've spent the night, Crying on the floor of my bathroom, But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it, But I guess good for you

Created by: nelii
  1. how would you describe yourself?
  2. would you be angry if your ex finds new gf/bf?
  3. you recieve a sms of your ex saying that their new partner broke up with them, what are you responding with?
  4. what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
  5. your best friend texts you at 3.am that they cheated on their partner, what are you responding with?
  6. did anyone ever gave you a compliment about ur look?
  7. did you ever spend the night crying on floor of your bathroom?
  8. do you listen to olivia?
  9. are you more positive or negative person?
  10. are you single or taken?

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Quiz topic: WHICH OLIVIA SONG am I?
