which ninjago ninja are you it's fun

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this quiz will tell you ninjago fans which ninja you are and if you're not a ninjago fan you need to click of this quiz right now because this is for ninjago fans ONLY!

it's the best ninjago quiz out there so if you are a big ninjago fan just like me then this is the perfect quiz for you this is going to be really fun

Created by: dude stuff
  1. are you excited
  2. favorite color?
  3. Gender?
  4. what season is your favorite?
  5. pick an outfit.
  6. which ninja is your favorite
  7. random qustion. pick a walk the moon song
  8. another random question do you want a boyfriend or a girlfriend?
  9. are you excited to see the results?
  10. did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which ninjago ninja am I it's fun
