Are you autistic?

This quiz will determine whether or not you are autistic based on your answers. Answer all the questions and read them carefully. Read the answer choices carefully as well.

This second paragraph is useless. Don't read it. Why are you reading? Stop. Stop it. Stop it now. STOP! Don't toy with me. STOP IT RIGHT THE $%@& NOW!!!

Created by: Daniel Boyer
  1. Do you play pretend too much?
  2. Do you say certain words or phrases randomly?
  3. Do you speak or just make noise?
  4. How do you react when someone insults you?
  5. Did you/do you have an aid in school?
  6. When asked a question, how do you respond?
  7. Do you want to stay a child forever and never grow up mentally?
  8. Do you think you know everything?
  9. Can you do basic math like 2+2?
  10. What does y e s spell?What about e y e s?

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Quiz topic: Am I autistic?
