Which UnderTale character are you? (REMASTERED)

This is a better version of my "Which UnderTale Character Are You?" quiz. It'll tell which character you are based on your answers. Answer every question and read all the questions and answer choices carefully. Have fun!

Why are you still reading the informative paragraphs. No one cares about the second paragraph. Stop reading and take the quiz. Go. Now. LEAVE ME ALONE!

Created by: QuizMaster814
  1. What's your favorite food/drink?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. Are you a pacifist, a fighter, or neutral?
  4. In the face of danger, what do you do?
  5. Are you lazy?
  6. What's your favorite pass time?
  7. What type of weather do you like?
  8. Question
  9. Question
  10. Question

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Quiz topic: Which UnderTale character am I? (REMASTERED)
