Would you survive against Michael Myers?

Have you ever wondered if you'd survive against Michael Myers (the main antagonist of the Halloween franchise)? This quiz will see if you would based on your answers so answer every question, read all the questions carefully, and read all the answer choices carefully. Have fun!

Why are you still reading the informative paragraphs? There's nothing interesting to read here in the second paragraph. Go take the quiz. GO! Take it! Take it, you idiot! TOUCH GRASS!

Created by: QuizMaster814
  1. How's your decision-making?
  2. BREAKING NEWS: A murderer has been spotted in your neighborhood. What do you do?
  3. How many horror movies have you watched?
  4. In a situation where Michael Myers is in your house, what would you do?
  5. What weapon would you use against Michael Myers?
  6. Are you a pacifist or are you a fighter?
  7. Question
  8. Question
  9. Question
  10. Question

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