Which Undertale character are you?

Have you ever wondered which character from Undertale you are most like? Well, wonder no longer as this is the quiz for you that you have been hunting for all your merry little lives!

This quiz will help you determine who you are most like with 100% accuracy ratings. We will answer all your questions you have ever wondered about your sanity!

Created by: Miralyn
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. What job would you want?
  4. Are you willing to take risks?
  5. Do you think violence is right?
  6. How much do you value freedom?
  7. Do you enjoy puns and jokes?
  8. Where would you want to go on holiday?
  9. Do you think kindness is key to a good life?
  10. Finally, have you enjoyed this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Undertale character am I?
