Find out which ninjago character you are

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This quiz will tell you which ninjago character you are and which personality you match I hope you will enjoy this quiz and is satisfied with your answers- made by Georgia⚡

This was my first quiz I made but I had so much fun please support me by doing it and telling your friends about it please suggest other topics I should do for quizzes - made by Georgia⚡

Created by: Georgia
  1. Which is your favourite element
  2. Which one describes you best
  3. Your favourite colour
  4. Favourite thing
  5. If you are in trouble what would you do
  6. If Lloyd asks if you want to train with him
  7. Who do you chill with
  8. Have you watched ninjago
  9. What is your favourite season (sorry I couldn’t fit them all in)
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz

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