Which Ninjago Person are you?

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This quiz is my top 4 ninjago charectors. Take this quiz to find out which one you are. Answers are: Harumi, Racer Seven, Akita, and Lloyd. You can make your own quiz if you don't like those people. Or just don't take it.

You will be juged by your anger level, and what your hobbies are. Don't be upset with your result, it's just for fun. After all, Ninjago IS a real place. LOL! HAVE FUN!

Created by: Bob
  1. Boy or Girl
  2. Are you a tom boy, or a girly girl.
  3. Do you like driving. If so, what car?
  4. Anger level: 1-8
  5. What is your fav hobby.
  6. Do you like this quiz so far?
  7. Do you like Ninjago?
  8. Who is u fav person on this quiz?
  9. What is u fav realm?
  10. Cold or hot?

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Quiz topic: Which Ninjago Person am I?
