cynwalker's Profile

Joined on Sep 10, 2024
Status Level: Novice
cynwalker's Quizzes
- Are you Artsy???[published: Feb 22, 2025, 4 comments]
Understood! Here are two informative paragraphs based on the context of the quiz and its scoring……
- Would we be friends?[published: Feb 01, 2025]
would we be friends? find out if your a good person or a weird Republican because I swear if your like a……
- what murder drones character are you![published: Sep 11, 2024]
are you a murder drones fan? well figure out which character you are (based on my head……
cynwalker's Recent Posts
"go to my thread rq its seeing stars nobody else sees"
"you can jus change it to like a random cat or something if thats okay its all i can really think of."
"I'll be right back someone knocked on the door"
cynwalker's Recent Quiz Comments
"its ok, This is based on more advanced art and a higher principles and concepts, and even I didn't get a huge score. to get a 100…"
In response to F33LG00D:
"you are 53% percent artsy!! 53%
You have…"
1 -
"y'all mountain climbing wont end you if your good at it, also, you could to rock climbing aat indoor places if that's not your thing…"
1 -
"suspend quiz on edit quiz"
In response to Espie:
"screams in inability to delete"
1 -
"I got moss describes me perfectly."
1 -
"I took this as a joke but
"Which Day Are You?
Your Result: Thursday 74%
resultYou're the Wyoming of days. When someone says Thursday other people say…"
1 -
"Which Wings of Fire Pyrrhia dragon tribe are you?
Your Result: Ooooh a MudWing! 18%
You have brown scales.You have amber or…"
1 -
1 -
"this was made 13 years ago it doesn't matter now plus gtq guy doesn't really respond to much."
In response to PotterFan123:
"I think we have to email gtq guy..."
1 -
"I got sero
sero does not seem Mexican lol"2