what murder drones character are you!

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are you a murder drones fan? well figure out which character you are (based on my head cannon) because, you know. why not? please take it, it took days (not joking)

April seriously wondered about her sleeping partner choices. She looked at her bed and what a mess it had become. How did she get to the point in her life where she had two dogs, three cats, and a raccoon sleeping with her every night?

Created by: Yukine
  1. what is your goal in life?
  2. what's your favorite? (wont effect answers)
  3. do you seek approval?
  4. doors, or no doors?
  5. Early bird or night owl? or are you crazy like me and are both *.*
  6. ur gae
  7. pie or cake?
  8. what kind of pet do you want
  9. was this quiz good ;-; (its my first one!)
  10. last question.
  11. how do you feel about rules?
  12. glass half empty or half full?
  13. Choose a quote from episode 5
  14. choose a quote from episode 8
  15. I don't believe in the color question so what's your aesthetic?

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Quiz topic: What murder drones character am I!
