what murder drones character are you!

are you a murder drones fan? well figure out which character you are (based on my head cannon) because, you know. why not? please take it, it took days (not joking)

these quizzes are hard to make, please support me and take it. anyways, xznjdshkglkakhzdvsljkldghkldgshkj sghkddhjdsf hkl h hjksdfjh ksg hjkfjhgf jh ghjkgkjhlg jh gh hjdgkhj dg jkhg hjkg jkhg hjkg hjkd jkhg hjgf jkhg jhgf hjgf khjgfgfj j gjdg gkjdgf khjgf jhdg jkhg jkhdgs khjg hjkg gkjf jhkgf dgsfg jgfj hgfjh gf jhkghj dg hjgdj hgklfj hgf

Created by: cynwalker
  1. what is your goal in life?
  2. what's your favorite? (wont effect answers)
  3. do you seek approval?
  4. doors, or no doors?
  5. Early bird or night owl? or are you crazy like me and are both *.*
  6. ur gae
  7. pie or cake?
  8. what kind of pet do you want
  9. was this quiz good ;-; (its my first one!)
  10. last question.

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Quiz topic: What murder drones character am I!
