Which Murder Most Unladylike Murderer Are You?

Do you read murder most unladylike books, do you wonder which murderer you are? Well look no further here's how you know just answer these next ten questions and you will get your answer.

Are you Ms. Griffen, Stephan Bampton, Mr. Daunt, Enid Gaines, Kendra Svenson perhaps maybe your the great Rose Tree or maybe your the devious Ms. Thompson-bates? NOTE this test contains spoilers

Created by: Carla Cavanagh
  1. First of all what do you wanna be when you're older?
  2. What's your style?
  3. What's your biggest dream?
  4. Describe the perfect spouse.
  5. Describe your perfect house.
  6. Do you feel bad about your actions?
  7. What's your favourite food?
  8. Describe the perfect children.
  9. Describe the perfect parents.
  10. Describe the perfect outfit.

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Quiz topic: Which Murder Most Unladylike Murderer am I?
