who's your helluva boss bestie?

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i have no idea what i'm doing but anyways, heres a helluva boss quiz for ya! all the descriptions fro the characters are taken from their wiki pages. ok? good.

i don't know what to put here so i'm gonna say some randome s**t. my current addictions are Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel and Murder Drones. if you don't know Murder Drones then you can go die in a hole. JK!

Created by: Feyquizzes
  1. you we're given Stolas' Grimoire, what will you do with it?
  2. Blitz offers you a job at I.M.P, how will you respond?
  3. Tex and Bee invited you to a hound party in the gluttony ring, will you go?
  4. if you were a hell born, what ring are you from?
  5. who's your fave character?
  6. what species of demon would you be?
  7. Loona and Octavia take you for a day out, where will you go?
  8. who would you want to be your parents?
  9. do you think that the Helluva Boss universe and the Hazbin Hotel universe are the same?
  10. if you were stuck in a room with a bad guy, who would you get along with best?

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Quiz topic: Who's my helluva boss bestie?
