Espie's Profile


Joined on Mar 24, 2021
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Espie's Quizzes

  • How Well Do You Know Me?

    The "how well do you know me" quizzes, but over the course of time; each quiz changing depending on where I'm at in life.

Espie's Recent Posts

  • Hawaii is sinking
    "she never saw her family again though :(("
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "it’s so crazy cud if she stayed in germany none of us would exist"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "i don’t have a lot of information but she and her family got taken by nazis, she escaped and fled to the USA which leads us to where we are "
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "finding out my great grandma was a jew in the holocaust is crazy work"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "you are so unique"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "i don’t like a lot of people but this is a very special person and i hope he knows just how special he is"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "usually i shove everyone away when i get under the blues or angry but i don’t need to do that with him because his presence alone makes me r"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "it’s so rare to find a grateful heart nowadays, everyone either hates their hard working parents or they just lack basic empathy"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "he made 2 hours feel like 20 minutes"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "i have a notification sound DEDICATED to him so i can reply quicker"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "talking to him is literally the highlight of my day i get so excited when he texts me"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "he’s so funny and chill, he has a gorgeous heart too he’s so empathetic and grateful, i love his personality so much"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "dude this is the only person who talking to doesn’t feel like a chore"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "ching chong ching chong ching ching chong ching chong chong"
  • Hawaii is sinking
    "sleep was so last year ugh"

Espie's Recent Quiz Comments
