How well do you know me?

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This quiz is aimed at the people who take my quizzes, chat with me on the forums, or know me pretty well. How well do you know me, LittleNerd? Take this quiz to find out!

Before we start, a disclaimer. If I've used your username as an answer or example and you want me to take it off, feel free to reach out to me on forums or comments, and I will happily change it! Also, I'm using the old quiz-making format, so the first 2 questions are just defaults. You don't have to answer them 😊

  1. What is my username? (DON'T SCROLL UP)
  2. What is my name?
  3. Which gender do I identify as?
  4. What is my favourite colour?
  5. True or false: I have two younger siblings
  6. How many quizzes have I made? (Not including this quiz or quizzes I have made on other accounts)
  7. Do I have any pets?
  8. How many polls have I made?
  9. My old account was We1rd0_Gurl, but why did I stop using it?
  10. What level am I on? (To this day)
  11. Am I a Harry Potter fan?
  12. What name do I go by when not using my name or username?
  13. Do I randomly spam for no reason whatsoever
  14. Am I on social media? (Not including GTQ forums)
  15. If I was to say goodbye to you, how would I say it?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?