Shout-out Quiz!

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This is a quiz dedicated to all the users out their who have supported me and made me laugh 😍 I thank you all for everything you have done to support me, help me, make me laugh or simply talk to me.

So... I have to put something here... And I'm not quite sure what to do... Nice day outside, isn't it? Wait, no it isn't, it's raining... Uhm... This is awkward... BYE!

When Will I Die Test
  1. My first shout-out will be to BiscuitBear37, who has provided ongoing support to me in the toughest of times. They are an AWESOME roleplayer and story writer 😀
  2. Next, I give a shoutout to AlexFierro. They have also been very supportive and have made me laugh many times. They are also an awesome roleplayer!
  3. A shoutout to P4ND4_L0V3R, ofc, for being funny and making me smile. Your writing is awesome, and I love your quizzes. Also, if you haven't already, REPLY TO OUR RPS 🤣😁
  4. A shoutout to hiiamdesiree too, for being funny 🤣 I love your RP plots and writing, it's really good!
  5. Also a shoutout for Espie. I love your style of writing, and thank you for being so funny!
  6. A quick shoutout to new quizmaster, we don't talk much but thanks for dropping into my threads every now and again 🙃
  7. A shoutout to NikkiFennecFox, for being funny. I do read your posts, and they always make me laugh 😝 Also, thanks for being a fellow Waluigi fan 💜
  8. A shoutout to BoldNotCold, for supporting myself and others through tough times, and sharing your experiences.
  9. A shoutout to the mods as well, for being awesome! You guys are pretty funny as well, and we all love you 🤩
  10. Thank you so much to all the cool ppl I just gave a shoutout to! I wish you all a happy and safe day, as well as the lovely ppl taking this quiz 😊

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