The Dumbest Test Ever

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Now these days, people be taking tests for now reason. See what vampire they are from Lord of the Rings.Which Harry Potter character you would fight aliens with. Or why did the chicken cross the road? Guess what, it was to get to the other side.

All stupidity aside, if you like this quiz please share it. I enjoy making these and having people laugh at them. So, it helps us both out, I guess. They laugh, I get the joy of making someone laugh. Win win.

Created by: wolfsilvey37
  1. What is love?
  2. What goes in green and comes out black?
  3. Which sentence is true?
  4. Which is your favorite?
  5. If you watch movies, but stare at your phone the whole time, you're just listening to an audiomovie.
  6. Do you wanna make some dough?
  7. Is this the dumbest test yet?
  8. What do you get when you mix three girls named Sarah, with a bunch of bottle caps?
  9. What color was bob the builders underwear?
  10. If Steve Jobs had to get a job where would he get a job?
  11. If Leonardo Di Caprio didn't play Jack in The Titanic, the film industry would be a much different place.
  12. LaSt QuEsTiOn. How does a guy named Bill find his wife Henrietta in a city full of people selling girl scout cookies, tryin to raise money for the rat infestation in the rat breeding center, they have it so they can release them into fields so the snakes don't come back, but lets also say he can't really see very well, and doesn't really know what his wife looks like, and its really bad. but how does he find her?

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