What Lord of the Rings Fellowship Member Are You?

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Ever wonder what Lord of the Rings character you most connect to? Well here is your chance to find out. I did my best to describe the characters of Lord of the Rings to best fit you.

This quiz might not be entirely accurate but I tried my best. This was mostly for fun. I love Lord of the Rings and hope you do to. Enjoy the quiz!!!!

Created by: Person17547
  1. What race would you like to be in Middle Earth?
  2. What quality would your friends use to describe you?
  3. What weapon would you like to fight with?
  4. If you had to go to Mordor with someone, who would it be?
  5. What is your favorite ship?
  6. What is your biggest fear?
  7. Pick a season
  8. Who is your worst enemy?
  9. How do you feel about the Ring?
  10. What do you desire most?
  11. Where is your home?
  12. What scene had you in tears?

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Quiz topic: What Lord of the Rings Fellowship Member am I?
