How good are you at babysitting?

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Are you a good babysitter? Maybe you babysit often, or maybe you're taking this quiz for fun. Either way, in this quiz you will find if YOU are a good babysitter, roleplay style.

•{~MUST READ~}• Lili is 4 and Devin is 6. Lili is allergic to eggs and Devin is allergic to dairy. Their mum has told you that they both have a skin condition and can't go out in the sun without the proper protection. Their parents are out on a date night and wished you good luck. Babysitting can't be that hard, right?

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 'You're not our mum,' Devin complains. 'Where's mummy?' Lili whines.
  2. After 5 minutes of watching cartoons, Devlin whines, 'I'm bored!'
  3. You decide to play a board game. 'But I want to watch Peppa Pig!' Lili cries indignantly, 'I don't want to play Monopoly!' She tries the wrestle the remote out of your hand.
  4. After the recreational activities, Devlin complained, 'I'm hungry! Can we have ice-cream?'
  5. You make a ham and avocado sandwich for the two of them. Lili takes one look at it and complains, "I don't like meat."
  6. A while later, Devin finds Lili's favourite doll and comes running over with scissors and the doll in his hands. 'I'm gonna cut this doll's hair off!' he laughs.
  7. Lili starts to cry and leaps for her doll. Devin pushes her back and they start to have a fight.
  8. After that, you decide Lili and Devin should have some time by themselves. Lili plays with her dolls and Devin plays Lego. Everything is good. How frustrated are you?
  9. To make matters worse, Devin has taken your phone and is calling 000 (or whatever your country's emergency number is)! He's told the police he's being abused by a teenager.
  10. Meanwhile, Lili has found her mother's make-up box. She isn't quite sure what it is, so she's used the lipstick to draw on the walls and the blush on the furniture!
  11. Lili and Devin's mother just texted to say there's been a slight delay and she and her partner won't be home for another hour...
  12. After another hour of torment and pain, the parents finally arrive.
  13. You get paid 10 bucks instead of your twenty... Apparently you were too aggressive and mean...

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Quiz topic: How good am I at babysitting?