How Well Do You Know Me?

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Do you think, or know you are an undiscovered agent undercover knowing everything about me and every other person, or do you not have the slightest of knowledge?

Let's test your knowledge and wits to find out if you're the equivalent of a superior life form such as Google, or if you're as knowing as Einstein. Either way, scroll down to find out your knowledge of a random person!

  1. What is my favorite music genre?
  2. Who was the first person on the GoToQuiz forums I spoke to?
  3. What is my favorite color?
  4. What is my name?
  5. What was my first account?
  6. When did I join GoToQuiz?
  7. When's my birthday month?
  8. What do I put in my bowl first: cereal or milk?
  9. Is pineapple on pizza acceptable in my view?
  10. Am I interested in fashion?
  11. What’s one thing I just couldn’t live without?
  12. Who do I get along with better? My mom or my dad?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?

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