what class 1A character are you? (side characters)

uybuynuyenhe748uhbjn bbhgtrfdcgvbhjuy ufgvb hytyf ghuutyfcgv bhgyu thtyfgvhbjuygtyfgcv hbjnuygv bjnby gbnjnbyv gjnubyvg bg bhbv vbhjuygtrew3retyuioewrtyuiou

123456790poiuytwqasdfghjkmnbvcx asfjklqwertyuio qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, 134567892345678901234567890 numbers yes yes yes yes yes yes yes ye eheh ehehe no no

Created by: HoomanBeing
  1. male or female?
  2. what do you think of youself
  3. what do you do in you free time
  4. kind or no
  5. what do you (or who) care about
  6. how do you show you care
  7. what color
  8. yes or no
  9. reading is good
  10. dog or cat

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Quiz topic: What class 1A character am I? (side characters)
