What Hobby Would Be Good For You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Hobby Would Be Good For You?
What Hobby Would Be Good For You?
Your Result: mountain climbing 56%You are adventurous and like climbing due to the results you have chosen.It is a really nice sport.And if you have not tried it before have a go on it maybe we are correct.
42% Photography
28% Art
24% Horseback Ridingthat's a thing that you would do if you want to die, BUT THIS ANIT NO WAY I'M CLIMBING A FRICKING MOUNTAIN
F33LG00D1 -
WTF!?Mountain climbing I do not want that I might die or something but anyways I might give your quiz a shotout!
khemical1 -
y'all mountain climbing wont end you if your good at it, also, you could to rock climbing aat indoor places if that's not your thing lol.
GYMNASTICS!! I think I will like it!.Amazing quiz!
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