Would we be friends?

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would we be friends? find out if your a good person or a weird Republican because I swear if your like a white seve guy that yaps nonstop and acts like a 'gansta' in 'da hood' when reality you wear pajama pants to school and your like 3 feet tall then I'ma crash out.

on another note I just watched the most heart breaking thing. this military guy was going to surprise his wife but saw her kissing another man and he started bursting into tears.

Created by: cynwalker
  1. So... first things first. are you racist?
  2. will you always respect my preferred name and pronouns
  3. what is my preferred name?
  4. what are my pronouns?
  5. will you listen to me?
  6. will you educate yourself on my views, mental illnesses, identities, etc, or ignore me?
  7. would you be okay if I hang out with other friends and we hang together sometimes?
  8. stay hydrated
  9. bye <3
  10. .

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