How well do U know ME? :b

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Me/K: Ok, so, this is a quiz to see if you know a lot about me. This can be for the people who REALLY know me or people who just want to guess. Either way.

Me/K: This quiz is probably my longest quiz, or second longest but it moves fast when you do it, I tried to make the questions short so hopefully they are. You can now take the quiz!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: First, how old am I?
  2. Me/K: What's my FAVE collar?
  3. Me/K: Which is my FAVE game character duo? (THIS IS SO EASY)
  4. Me/K: Which one is a lie? I like to make music, play the ukulele, play the piano, and sing.
  5. Me/K: My FAVORITE animal is.....(Everything, but I have a favorite)
  6. Me/K: Do I care what people think of me?
  7. Me/K: Which is my FAVE Sonic GIRL character? (Some of them are from the Archie comics)
  8. Me/K: My FAVE YouTuber is....(I watch all these but I have a favorite)
  9. Me/K: My FAVE food is....
  10. Me/K: My FAVE soda is....(Hint: It's Sonic's and the other character's FAVE)
  11. Me/K: Do I speak Korean or French
  12. Me/K: How many dogs do I have?
  13. Me/K: How many hamsters do I have?
  14. Me/K: What pet do I babysit?
  15. Me/K: I'm afraid of....
  16. Me/K: True or False: I sleep better in the day
  17. Me/K: My FAVE singer is....(I listen to them all but I have a favorite)
  18. Me/K: What game FAVE game I like other than Sonic Games?
  19. Me/K: How many siblings do I have?
  20. Me/K: My FAVE MHA character is....
  21. Me/K: Who is my favorite Miraculous character? (EASY) (I'm waiting for the movies and other Specials coming out!)
  22. Me/K: Which one am I better at: Roller Skating or Ice Skating
  23. Me/K: What's my favorite candy?
  24. Me/K: When do I wear glasses?
  25. Me/K: I'm...
  26. Me/K: My favorite kind of dog is a ...
  27. Me/K: Which one would I wear?
  28. Me/K: Lastly, my FAVE hero is....
  29. Me/K: MAN, that was like, 30 questions. Oh gosh, anyway, that's all for today, BOI!!! (NO EFFECT)

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