BiscuitBear37's Profile


Joined on May 27, 2022
Status Level: Advanced

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2-Year Club
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BiscuitBear37's Recent Posts

  • "I haven't been on here for nearly a year, so anyway I wanted to do a roleplay simliar to the twilight series if you've read that. ..."
  • Vampire Roleplay
    ""Here, use this" Eleanor offered taking a small bottle of sunscreen from her bag."
  • Vampire Roleplay
    ""Yes, why are you using an umbrella?" Eleanor said crossing her arms protectively. She didn't like Hunter teasing her, and what she didn't l..."
  • Ghost Hunting
    ""Well now we've got a job we have to find a haunted house" Corey said. "So how are we going to find one of those?""
  • Wattpad
    "Oh cool mine is Cro_Rob and I know a bit of french so I'll try my best"
  • Wattpad
    "Hi guys I've recently downloaded wattpad and wondering if anybody else has it cause yeah :)"
  • Ghost Hunting
    "Corey bit her lip. "What if they are real though?" "My grandma told me that she saw a ghost once, when she was younger and apparently the gh..."
  • "Auditioned for a dance group within my panto that I'm performing"
  • Bullying
    "Awh no bless you hope your ok just try to ignore them cause they are probably jealous of having a bad day and wanted to make you feel down a..."
  • "Haha, can I make a character or is this just for your oc's?"
  • Ghost Hunting
    ""Don't be ridiculous Xavier, who's going to pay us to hunt for ghosts let alone believe us if we actually manage to find one!" Corey exclaim..."
  • Ghost Hunting
    "Corey shivered. "Ugh" as a large spider scuttled across the ceiling trying to get away from the antibacterial spray they were holding. "1 do..."
  • Ghost Hunting
    ""We're supposed to share ten dollars between six of us??" Corey sighed in frustration as she scrubbed the dirt of the walls. "When was the l..."
  • "Tomato soup is definitely my comfort sick food it is a bit acidic when I've got a sore throat but it's warm and comforting so it's good"
  • Roleplay
    ""Still at work" Anne's mother wavered. Her husband hadn't been home for a few days and she worried that something awful had happened. "

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