Hogwarts Roleplay

Hello! This quiz is short, but the questions are long. In this quiz you can earn and loose house points and at the end find out what place you come. Will you win Bronze, Silver or Gold? Or will you come in 4th place?

It's up too you. I'm sorry if this quiz isn't very good but I tried and it took me a while to make. Anyway, choose an option and it will either finish you as a winner or you will need to make more progres. Good Luck fellow witches and wizards.

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. You are now on platform 9 and 3/4. You just make it to the train in time and there are only a few available seats left. Who do you sit with? (Doesn't affect your score)
  2. You finally arrive at Hogwarts and you and the other First Years have to travel along the lake with Hagrid. After a few splashes you arrive at Hogwarts and you are sorted into your houses. What house are you in? (If you do not know just pick one)
  3. Finally, on to questions that will affect your score. When you are outside someone calls your friend a filthy Mud-blood! What is your re-action
  4. Time for your first lesson. It's Potions with Professor Snape. You are making a antidote to uncommon poisons. You have to add three ingredients. Your potions book has a stain on it. What do you do?
  5. Next, is transfiguration. You see a strange creature that looks like a house elf wandering around Hogwarts. If you go and Investigate you will be late for class. However if you investigate you will find out what creature it is.
  6. If you chose investigate carry on reading, if you didn't then you can carry on to the next question. You follow the house elf down to a kitchen. 'Hello. Who are you' you call. The elf you were following turns round and spots you. 'Dobby is house elf. Dobby was set free by Harry Potter. Dobby works for Hogwarts now but Dobby has no master' the house elf grins. You grin back. 'Pleasure to make your acquaintance Dobby. My name is (your name). May we be friends?' Dobby node. 'Dobby hasn't had no friends before other than Harry Potter now I wil befriends with (your name!) (You say goodbye to Dobby and run off to class)
  7. If you chose to investigate you are ten minutes late for transfiguration. Professor. McGonagall is disappointed in you. 10 points from your house team
  8. In transfiguration you are turning your pet into a goblet. On your table Malfoy, Crab and Goil are talking about You know who (Voldemort) and it's getting quite interesting-you could find out some valuable information about. Death eaters. What do you choose to do?
  9. If you joined in on the conversation the teacher sees you and takes 5 points from your house team. If you were paying attention you earned 10 points for your amazing work.
  10. So far these are the points. Can you improve your score and earn houseplants till the end of the year. Rounds of applause and groans run through the hall. What place have you come so far this year?
  11. Last chance to earn house points. Who is Hufflepuff's head of house?

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